This has to be one of the dumbest and also a sad story on someone who doesn’t read this blog or any other healthcare blog or site not to know what a diabetes pump is and almost demand the student remove it to take the test.  I can relate though as way back I was in a meeting about 10 years ago with a PDA taking notes and was reprimanded for having a “toy”, which it was not, but that was when PDAs were still black and white.  Sure wish more folks would bone up a bit on technology and save us from situations like this one. 

My next thought on this are, what are they going to do when the Blackberry or Mobile phone is needed to send insulin numbers to a remote data base, do you have to disconnect that too.  Obviously it just needs to sit there and if you are not using the phone then it’s pretty obvious it is there for a distinct purpose and one would stick out like a sore thumb if they were texting or talking. Pretty sad when one can’t tell the difference between in IPOD and an insulin pump.  BD 

Yet when Kingsley, 24, who is diabetic, showed up last month in Lowell to take the Graduate Record Examination, the standardized test necessary for entrance to many graduate school programs, the proctor told her to remove it. "He was convinced it was an iPod," Kingsley said in a telephone interview last week. "I never thought anyone would question my insulin pump. People don't question if you have glasses or a hearing aid. It was a really humiliating experience for me.

Rule riles a diabetic test-taker - The Boston Globe


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