This is a pretty new state of the art facility and the back up power didn’t come on.  When you watch the raw video, it is pretty scary.  I am in Orange County where the fires have been roaring as well, but I am lucky that I am not in the affected areas, however, everything smells of smoke and there was a big “orange” moon in the sky last night from all the fire in the air.  As the smoke drifted over to where I am, yesterday it was almost like a darkness from rain clouds blocking the sun, was very heavy in the air. 

Olive View - UCLA had been rebuilt on the same land where it has been destroyed in 1971 from the Sylmar earthquake.  Earlier this year the hospital had been fined for putting patients as risk.  The raw video here shows almost nothing but a full wall of fire.  BD

Although flames had chewed through the power lines that serve the Olive View-UCLA Medical Center, staff members thought that they would be fine. The hospital prided itself on its "state-of-the-art" back-up systems. But wind-whipped flames and choking smoke brought Olive View to a dark standstill early Saturday, as the hospital lost power, and its emergency backup generators failed.

The Sylmar hospital was surrounded by tall cyclonic walls of flames, as embers showered on the grounds and smoke seeped into the hospital's lower floors. At times the smoke was so thick the beams of flashlights looked like headlights cutting through a fog.  The hospital lost power at 1:45 a.m. Saturday, and the backup generator soon kicked in. The generator is designed to work as a bridge until the self-contained power plant, about 100 yards from the hospital's eastern edge, fires up. The generator did its job, but the power plant didn't -- a fuel pump failed.

Power failure brings Sylmar hospital to standstill - Los Angeles Times


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