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Children’s Hospital of Orange County is going to get even busier as in March, Hoag Hospital also announced a similar procedure to also send pediatric patients to the same facility.  This appears to be a growing move as hospitals are looking at their finances, equipment and staff available to deliver pediatric patient care in Orange County, CA.  BD 

UCI Medical Center plans to eliminate its 25 pediatric beds early next year and transfer in-patient services to the Children's Hospital of Orange County, a proposal criticized by some politicians and protested by hospital nurses at a noon rally Wednesday outside the facility. The UC Board of Regents is scheduled to vote on the plan Wednesday at a meeting in San Francisco. If approved, the hospital's pediatric beds will be converted to adult beds to help handle high demand for those services. At the same time, the eight-bed pediatric intensive care unit will be absorbed into its regular intensive care services

UCI Medical Center plans to reduce pediatric care - Los Angeles Times

Related Reading:

Hoag Hospital will send pediatric patients to CHOC


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