Certification seems to be moving right along, but the pending lists seem to be getting a little longer so I assume this means that the full functionality other than live installations and reporting is there. BD
Ten more ambulatory electronic health records products in recent weeks have received certification under 2008 criteria from the Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology.
Most of the products are conditionally certified. "Pre-market certification" means a product will be fully certified when operational use in a physician office is verified. This is common for new versions of existing products. "Pending e-prescribing" means the vendor is verifying the product's ability to conduct medication history, formulary and eligibility checking through an e-prescribing national network. Some products also received additional certification for functionality specific to certain specialties, such as child health and cardiovascular medicine. The certified products are:
* CentriHealth Inc.: CentriHealth Individual Health Record Release 2009.1.17, Pending e-prescribing;
* Complete Medical Solutions LLC: MyWinmed EMR 1.2, Pre-market and additionally certified for child health and cardiovascular medicine;
* InteGreat Concepts Inc.: InteGreat EHR Release 6.3, Pre-market;
* MDTablet: mdTablet 4.0.0;
* MedConnect: MedConnect EHR 1.0
* MedNet System: emr4MD Version 6.0.2; Pending e-prescribing;
* NexTech Systems Inc.: NexTech Practice 2010 9.3;
* Noteworthy Medical Systems Inc.: * NetPracticeEHRweb 7.0, Pre-market;
* Prime Clinical Systems: Patient Chart Manager 5.5, Pending e-prescribing; and
* Secure Infosys LLC: MyEMR 2.0, Pre-Market.
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