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This video is a good example of a woman needing care for her children that are cancer survivors.  With changes at work, she was given CIGNA when the company had changed from Aetna, who had approved the medication prior. 

The mother was pro-active and worked with the doctors who were also pro-active based on their past experience and knowing up front that the treatment was more than likely going to be denied and were able to get the twins treated through a program outside of health insurance with the manufacturer of the medication.  Luckily they are getting the medication but listen to her story on the entire saga and every year they have to enroll to be denied, and then go back to the manufacturer of the drug to again, let them know that the denial process has taken place in order to continue with treating the 2 twins.  This is a mother of twins and she states at one point CIGNA didn’t even recognize the fact that the twin sister existed, which of course she disputes as she had the denials from before, what a mess and hell to go through here.  BD 


Our issues with insurance companies have been going on now for quite a while. It didn’t start with CIGNA, though, until April Fool’s Day of 2008. That’s when my husband’s employer switched insurers to CIGNA, which, again, as far as healthcare is concerned, you don’t have a choice. When your employer switches insurers, you get what they give you. And unfortunately, we were given CIGNA.

CIGNA Is Still Up To Their Old Tricks. They're Denying Coverage Needed To Treat Cancer Side Effects. UPDATED with video | Crooks and Liars

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