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The company has also put itself on the block for sale with a couple of Private Equity firms showing interest with the auction.  According to this update they have imagecancelled due to a conflict of interest in scheduling.  I have a few items here at the Quack about the company to include re-organization of their data systems.

Business Intelligence Software Breakdown At Beckman Coulter – Algorithms gone Rogue and Data House Repair

In addition, Beckman as well as many other employers were caught up in trying to find an alternative employer health insurance carrier as were many in Orange County California were affected when United/Pacificare re-aligned and prices went up with new contracts and rebranding of Pacificare over to United. One hospital in Orange, California is no longer honoring patients under those employer contracts due to low compensation. 

Employers in Orange County Looking for New HMO Contracts as St. Josephs and Some Others Begin Cancelling Agreements with Pacificare (UnitedHeatlhCare) – Employer Capitation Contracts

This is an invitation only conference for clients and where everyone is putting their best foot forward for the financial world to include insurance companies, biotechs and anyone in the healthcare world today. There are a slew of press releases out and you can find them all over the web on who is presenting.  LinkedIn has a page with a few more details and groups who are communicating relative to the upcoming conference.  BD

* Pulls out conference due to scheduling conflict

* Company recently hired Goldman, according to sources (Adds background; updates share price)

CHICAGO Jan 6 (Reuters) - Beckman Coulter Inc (BEC.N), said to be on the auction block, has canceled its presentation at JPMorgan Healthcare conference, the industry's premier event for investors, the bank said.

Sources told Reuters earlier this week that private equity firms were pairing up in the bidding for the medical test maker as an auction progresses.

Blackstone Group LP (BX.N) and Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co (KKR.N) are joining up, sources said, while Apollo [APOLO.UL] and Carlyle [CYL.UL] also remain in the auction and are likely to team up. [ID:nN04245454]

UPDATE 2-Beckman cancels presentation at JPMorgan conference | Reuters


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