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This is interesting and perhaps more in California, like me, will keep their phones secured with a password.  As the law reads, the police can’t force you to give out your PIN number or password to gain access.  So if you want to make sure you have security just in case put a password on that cell phone.  image

This would especially be true if you are in healthcare and I would hope a password is already in place to protect any potential personal or patient data so one is HIPAA compliant.  BD 

The police in California can now search your cell phone or handheld device without a warrant for evidence for a case, according to a ruling issued today by the state's Supreme Court. The judges determined that police have the right to examine items they seize, which can range from text messages to app history to websites that you browsed. An appeal on the ruling could be sent up to the US Supreme Court according to California Deputy Attorney General Victoria Wilson, who The Daily Mail reported was the prosecutor on the case.

California Supreme Court Rules Cell Phone Searches Are Legal - Techland -


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