This is probably a good move so closer attention can be paid and Medicare as we all know is making up for a lot of lost time under the prior administration that didn’t seem to delegate any importance here as it went years without someone to run it.  This administration sees differently thank goodness and at least in one are here we can get out of the 70s mentality.

Head of CMS, Don Berwick Urges Health Insurance Companies to Cooperate to Reinstate “Trust”–Role Models Needed At All Levels of Leadership With Engaging Health IT

Mr. Berwick is moving right along and also mentioned here was his discussion of the Innovation center, which is going to look first at our insurance payables condition so this tells you where the big money is to be saved too as software transactions run a muck here and way overdone and oversold, not to mention some conflicts of interest that have developed over the last year with mergers and acquisitions as the company focuses changed a lot when that happens as they data to combine with other subsidiaries for even greater intelligence through data analysis and keeping all of this legal is a big job.  I call this “subsidiary watch” at the Medical Quack. 

We still have a big lack of trust going on and for good reason and we can used all the Health IT Expertise we can get at HHS too.  Perhaps they can look at what California is beginning to do with our plan for Digital Literacy as this all plays into healthcare too.  You wouldn’t know it listening to the news the last couple days as what we hear is remnant of the 70s though in Congress.  BD 


HHS National Plan to Improve Health Literacy – Not Going To Happen Until We Focus on Using Technology (The Tool for Literacy) Which Includes Role Models at HHS And Other Places in Government

A health reform office charged with overseeing the insurance industry is about to be folded into the federal Medicare agency, signaling a major organizational shift just months after the office was created.

Donald Berwick, administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, made the announcement to staffers Wednesday, officials at both the Medicare and insurance oversight agencies told us.

The Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight was created to guide the implementation of key parts of the health overhaul law. Its director, Jay Angoff, a class-action litigator who took on insurance companies, was appointed to lead the group in April.

Staffers were told Angoff would be stepping down from the helm of the oversight agency to become a special assistant to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. The office will become the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight at the Medicare agency, and will be managed by Marilyn Tavenner, Medicare’s deputy administrator. No staff cuts were announced.

HHS Insurance Oversight Office to Become Part of Medicare Agency - Kaiser Health News


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