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The wonderful folks at Remote Area Medical continue their mission in Oakland after just finishing a free clinic in Sacramento.  These are all volunteers donating their time.  People are camping out overnight and the clinic is being held at the Oakland coliseum. 

Remote Area Medical Wraps Up Free Medical Care Clinic in Sacramento and Moves to Oakland For Another 4 Days of Free Care

You can visit the website for more information and here’s a quick snapshot below of their next stops in the US.  BD 


Their next stop is Haiti.  Last year in Los Angeles, they came twice and helped thousands and many are employed individuals with either no insurances nor not enough insurance.  The dental and eye exams were highlighted in the video from the new station in San Francisco.  Stan Brock, founder of RAM has publicly spoken out many times about doctors being able to cross state lines to donate their time for his clinics and thus far that has fallen on deaf ears.  The link below goes back a couple years to a great interview with Larry King talking to Stan Brock the founder of RAM.  BD 

OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) -- Thousands of Bay Area residents waited in line for hours for something most of us do without giving it a second thought -- a teeth cleaning and an eye exam. But with health insurance rates at record highs and many people unemployed, it's nearly impossible for many.

About 1,000 people each day are coming to the Oakland Coliseum to wait in line for hours, some even camping out overnight to meet with a doctor or a dentist. An appointment that could cost up to a few hundred dollars is completely free. There is no co-pay, no insurance needed, and every single doctor, dentist, assistant you see is here on their own time.

"Everyone here is a volunteer. Nobody here is getting paid to do this. It's a great commentary on the spirit of the American public," Remote Area Medical Founder Stan Brock said.

Free medical clinic helps Oakland's neediest |


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