The chlorine levels in the water was low and thus the amoebae was imageable to survive.  The warnings are strange as they say you drink the water but don’t let the water go up your nose so the path is the concern here. 

I would not even want to drink the water and officials are re-dosing the water supply with more chemicals to get rid of it.  The odds are not high on contracting it but that doesn’t’ matter if it is you or a family member.  It takes one to 12 days for death to occur and survival prospects are not good.  BD 

(CNN) -- Brain-eating amoebae were found in DeSoto Parish, Louisiana, where a 51-year-old woman died from an infection in 2011, the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals said.

The parish's Waterworks District No. 1 -- one of 14 systems in the parish -- was to flush its system with additional chlorine Wednesday to kill the amoeba, the department said in a release Tuesday.

Residents, over the next two months, "may notice a change in the smell and taste of the water throughout the chlorine burn. However, the water will remain safe to drink," the department said.

Officials say the Mississippi 4-year-old who died in St. Bernard Parish in August had been playing on a homemade waterslide made of a long sheet of plastic when he contracted amoebic meningoencephalitis.

In 2011, a woman, 51, in DeSoto Parish and a 20-year-old man near New Orleans died after rinsing their sinuses with neti pots, the Department of Health and Hospitals said.


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