The obvious answer is yes, well maybe not stupid but we rely on devices now to give us the information we had to manually search for in the past, thus when that process is gone and a couple clicks or touches to the screen of a gadget does the trick, the process of what we have known and done for years is gone, that simple. 

As the information age matures, it affects our every day life in many ways from our phones, health care, you name it.  It is a struggle to reach balance at times, not necessarily for the youth, but those of us who relied on what we have inside our heads for knowledge, so in essence every gadget can have the potential to make us “stupid” in one fashion or another.  We are at the stage where data is moving at such a rapid pace that the human brain is challenged in keeping up at times.  I like all those devices myself, and they have impacted and changed my thought processes in many ways, but when the device is out of service, then what?  I know what to do, but how does our youth cope, the future of the country is one question that always comes to mind.  BD 

Last month, we reported on a story about some computer users' fears of Internet access making us increasingly stupid. We're not sure that we necessarily agree with that idea, and we certainly aren't feeling the latest Luddite-tastic claim that GPS-enabled devices are going to make us forget how to get home.  Apparently, when everyone has one, people will just forget how to get anywhere without them, thus crippling society

Are GPS Devices Making Us Stupid, Too? - Switched


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