We all talk about the number of games on the web and devices that distract children but in Europe a new approach, classrooms without walls.  Students are being given mobile devices to learn and working with a program called eMapps the learning procedure begins.  Shoot if this works for the kids, just think of what it might do for us adults and perhaps some potential with medical schools.  BD 

To achieve the full potential of the games for education, the learning must go beyond the physical boundaries of the classroom. For this reason, the project focused on using digital devices such as mobile phones, PDAs and tablet PCs over GPRS and UMTS networks.

Children across Europe can participate in the multilingual, multicultural content created through the games. Forums and online chat, as well as weblogs, podcasts and videocasts are used to add to the interactive learning experience and build a sense of community among the participants.T he platform, available through the eMapps website, allows school children to use skills valuable for successful game play.

“In the future, learning will move increasingly from the classroom and into the learner’s environments, both real and virtual,” says Lovasz.

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