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Cracking enzyme code opens way to new cancer drugs - TERT
Cracking enzyme code opens way to new cancer drugs - TERT

This lends itself to an area whereby various area of cancer could be targeted, and with few or little side effect as the study states.  The term "cellular immortality" is the term that describes cells that keep regenerating endlessly, like cancer cells do.  It's a long way to go though before the …

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Despite Doubts, Cancer Therapy Draws Patients - HIFU Prostate Cancer Procedure
Despite Doubts, Cancer Therapy Draws Patients - HIFU Prostate Cancer Procedure

This procedure is not approved for us in the US.  It is not inexpensive either at 25-30K per procedure, but good money for the physicians getting paid from 5-7k for their work. There are opinions on both sides of the fence and like anything else today, there has not been one cure all that works for…

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Got Acne Problems - Go Buy a Condom
Got Acne Problems - Go Buy a Condom

According to the article, this company, Number One Plus condoms, seems to have cornered the market here.  This practice appears to be growing in Cambodia.  This sounds like new clinical trial territory and something the FDA might want to take a look at (grin).  Here's a video of the current advertis…

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NASCAR scrubs for Medical and Healthcare professionals - Say What?
NASCAR scrubs for Medical and Healthcare professionals - Say What?

Is there not end to advertising and marketing?  Is this to bring a new meaning to "start your engines" in the ER or perhaps is this an effort to bring more "pit" minded teamwork attitudes together or just make some money.   I would check with your local hospital administrator first on policy bef…

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Cerner CEO calls for a change with insurers
Cerner CEO calls for a change with insurers

 Cerner president speaks out about the insurance business, "they need to be redefined".  Amgen CEO and President Kevin Sharer called for a better structured FDA.  Overall the summary statement says the same thing I have brought up time and time again, who's going to to pay the bill.  Software compan…

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Benefits of Drinking - Only kicks in after 50 Years of Age
Benefits of Drinking - Only kicks in after 50 Years of Age

I found these studies interesting, so it basically states that drinking has some benefits, raises good cholesterol, lowers risks of heart attacks, thins blood, etc.  Moderate drinking is the key and according to the study, none of this kicks in for better health until after the age of 50, so if you …

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Two Dead, Several Hospitals Locked Down - Two Dead, Several Hospitals Locked Down - "Blue" chemically exposed patients seeking help in the ER

 Blue people walking in to the ER, Hospital Lock Down, and 2 deaths over chemical exposure, scary story here and I can't remember the last time I heard about an entire hospital being on lock down.  One ER shift that will be remembered for a long time and it's probably not all over yet as more info…

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Stand Up To Cancer - Friday September 5, 2008 - 8:00 EST
Stand Up To Cancer - Friday September 5, 2008 - 8:00 EST

You can set up a log in and donate today.  Click here for details.  As I had posted in a story a couple days ago, the bar has risen for venture capitalist investments, it is still there, but perhaps a little tougher to get, and with government cuts on grants and availability for research, this hour…

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Man Finds Thousands of Medical Records in Storage Unit he won with a bid $25.00 for the unknown contents
Man Finds Thousands of Medical Records in Storage Unit he won with a bid $25.00 for the unknown contents

This is one of those strange ones out of the coffer here, man bids $25.00 for the unknown contents of a storage unit and what in the world does he get, stacks of medical records!!  Obviously paperless records were not on the agenda for Southwest Medical Association.  Gee, is there no shame anymor…

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Desperate Hospitals - Hawaii- What is happening to our Hospital System?
Desperate Hospitals - Hawaii- What is happening to our Hospital System?

As the old saying goes, things roll downhill and Siemens was the straw that broke the camel's back here.  Recently Siemens has been in the news with their own issues with restructuring and lay offs.  There are other creditors including Clinical Laboratories of Hawaii, Ewa Beach, $3.9 million; SBM Si…

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Intel Health PHS 5000 - Home Health Monitor (one more)
Intel Health PHS 5000 - Home Health Monitor (one more)

Here is one more home health monitoring device.  No word as to when this one might be available in the US.  Intel just released another product September 1st for use in the US, as noted here.  The devices keep getting smaller and each one adds something new the last model didn't appear to have.  …

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Desperate Hospitals - August 29 (Continued)
Desperate Hospitals - August 29 (Continued)

More added to the list at various stages either with investigations, layoffs, some trying to figure out how to stay open next year.  Some are already deep in debt while some are teetering on the fence post after budget cuts, in short all looking for money to survive and one home health care unit, pa…

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Forensic Breakthrough Stirs NIH to Close GWAS Data from Public View
Forensic Breakthrough Stirs NIH to Close GWAS Data from Public View

Called data mining... If you are a researcher and have been accessing the data base from the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, that have been hosting such public datasets, they have also removed the aggregate data from public availability.  BD NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Large amounts of aggrega…

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The The "Unbranding" of pharmaceutical commercials

New marketing technique going on here, gets you to the website, but no mention of the drug name.  This ranks right up there with the Placebo ads from the FDA for a fake blood pressure pill, and what website will it take you to?  Is there any honestly or dignity left in advertising?  BD Name a pr…

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Medical Bills You Shouldn't Pay - The balance billing issue is alive and well
Medical Bills You Shouldn't Pay - The balance billing issue is alive and well

In California we are well aware of this with the recent news with Prime Health Care being challenged on this practice as they have no contracts with the insurers and charge their published rates for out of network care, and the patient is stuck in the middle, but from the other side of the coin, som…

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Concerns Over Large Not-for-Profit Hospital System
Concerns Over Large Not-for-Profit Hospital System

When you look around, it appears the large Not for Profit folks seems to being doing all the facility expansions, as well as hiring new clinicians, but now some of the practices are being looked at with a bit of scrutiny as the Wall Street Journal discusses.  Some facilities charge up to 10 times m…

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Standards for Clinical Summaries, Labs, E-Prescribing...
Standards for Clinical Summaries, Labs, E-Prescribing...

Back in June I had posted some information about the use of this technology.  Read the source article for more information on how the hospital is sending information to the Social Security Administration, and there is a simple text example on the page to view as well.  Nice to have an update on the …

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David Duchovny Enters Rehab for Sex Addiction
David Duchovny Enters Rehab for Sex Addiction

This is a strange story of sorts as the fictional character and actor in real life seem to have the same issue, perhaps something the psychologists or others in this field might reflect on.  BD  David Duchovny, who plays a sex-obsessed character on Showtime's "Californication," has entered a reha…

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Stanbio wins FDA approval on medical device to draw blood
Stanbio wins FDA approval on medical device to draw blood

It looks like the process of giving a blood sample is going to get a little easier for the patient and perhaps more efficient for the technician, and no air bubbles as well.  Just from looking at the picture it appears this is an entirely new design as well.  Stanbio products are already widely u…

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Stop & Shop Supermarket Chain Goes Hi-Tech
Stop & Shop Supermarket Chain Goes Hi-Tech

In the near future, are we going to know how to shop?  This is one store who has a partial solution in place.  As posted previously there are carts that you can log in to and accomplish the same without a hand held device.  Would be nice to see some standards here too, as we discuss in health care a…

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Blue Cross/Blue Shield to buy HMO - Florida
Blue Cross/Blue Shield to buy HMO - Florida

Is this a new sign of the times with the insurers purchasing HMOs?  One thing it will do is bring more under contract with additional services and offices available from the consumer end and the employees of the HMO appear to have benefited with keeping their jobs.  BD  The area's largest health m…

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Surgery By Numbers - Glowing Cancer Cells
Surgery By Numbers - Glowing Cancer Cells

This process has not be tested on humans yet, but coming soon.  The infra red will show the outline of the tumor from a dye injected prior to surgery. The cancer cells literally glow and radiate on a monitor.  BD  The problem with cancer surgery, or so we hear, is that it's difficult for surgeons…

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Seattle fund bankrolls Asian private hospital chain
Seattle fund bankrolls Asian private hospital chain

More money going overseas to help grow a hospital chain and yesterday I had posted about the big medical institutions here having investments overseas, in other words branding facilities with names that are highly accredited here in the US.  It appears that more US investors are looking outside o…

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Desperate Hospitals - New York, Texas and California (More)
Desperate Hospitals - New York, Texas and California (More)

 In Forest Hills, New York This hospital just emerged from a 3 year bankruptcy and hopes to have a plan in place before a September 30th deadline closing takes place.  BD The State Health Department is reviewing the latest proposal for revamping services at embattled Parkway Hospital in Forest …

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VC Funding for Biotech Companies Withering?
VC Funding for Biotech Companies Withering?

Is Biotech risky business?  I think we can all agree due to the research and development and the unknown areas as far as predicting a winner can be close to a roll of the dice at times.  The bar has risen a bit today to secure VC funds no doubt and then we still hear about the failed trials.  The g…

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Generic Drug Resources - Thanks to the Palm Beach Post and the Chicago Sun Times for helping spread the word...
Generic Drug Resources - Thanks to the Palm Beach Post and the Chicago Sun Times for helping spread the word...

I have posted this here before, but the $4.00 Generic Resource listings are a good all in one place to find what drugs are offered by the retailers at the discounted price.  I appreciate the papers also spreading the word to others.   Reuters was the first to circulate and the 2 other papers added t…

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Science Roll Medical Research - Resource and Time Saver
Science Roll Medical Research - Resource and Time Saver

This is another resource that might be helpful with some quick searching capabilities.  In this sample, I'm going to use diabetes as a search.  A nice word of thanks goes out to Science Roll for putting this together The next section goes to Science Roll's search selection and from here you can …

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Who is the Who is the "Medical Quack"

Ok, this has been a long time coming, but recently I have received several requests and emails to give myself a profile, well I have one on there, which is a "LinkedIn" professional account, but now for something completely different, to quote an old saying from Monty Python! The name "Medical Quac…

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