If you are a non profit hospital or healthcare association, well worth looking at as this can help pave the way to interoperability with electronic medical records.  BD

The California Healthcare Foundation in Oakland will offer grants to providers in the state to implement the new EHR-Lab Interoperability and Connectivity Specification, a national standard for the delivery of lab results from clinics to physicians. The foundation has committed $300,000 for the program and will award 20 grants of up to $15,000 each over 12 months. The foundation supported initial development of the standard, called ELINCS, before standards development organization Health Level Seven assumed continued development and maintenance.

California provider organizations eligible for a grant include hospitals, group practices, independent physician associations, community clinics, health plans and laboratories. The foundation has published a six-page request for proposals, available at chcf.org. Proposals are due Aug. 28

Grants Offered to Adopt Lab Standard


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