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image One reason stated is convenience, more on every corner, like the gas stations.  To take advantage of some of the other low cost benefits, there may be a longer driving distance.  A while back I had a conversation with someone from CVS, and there are shoppers who visit every store, one for a prescription drug or item on sale, and one for something else, in other words drop your prescription off at WalMart, go shop at CVS for the advertised specials, come back and pick up your prescription.  There' still money to be made in non prescription items, like a new patio set for the deck.  BD 

Also the larger the chain, the larger potential bargaining power with the Pharmaceutical companies on pricing.  BD 

CVS Caremarks acquisition of Longs Drug Stores, a pharmacy chain that's big in California, Hawaii and Nevada, is the latest example of the push by chain drugstores for scale.

Health Blog : CVS Goes for Longs, Another Step in Drugstore Consolidation


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