This is an opinion writing here, but thought I would include this as general information as what is on the web, so if you are interested the the politics of big Pharma today and how things are reported, it might make for an interesting read.  When reporting information and adding opinions, accuracy is indeed needed, and thus it's important to read both sides of the issues and know where the focus lies with the interest group posting.  BD 

Former Bush Administration officials have formed a pharmaceutical industry guerilla group called the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest, described on its website as "a non-partisan, non-profit educational charity," and a "new vital force in health care policy." However, for all intents and purposes, the mission of CMPI front group is to promote back-door efforts at tort reform, including pushing complete drug maker immunity through federal preemption, to pump out rapid-response propaganda on the Internet to deflate scandals involving the pharmaceutical industry and the FDA, and to discredit anyone who would dares to criticize the industry or the FDA.

Scoop: The FDA Guerillas of Wonky DrugWonks - Part I

Hat Tip:  Pharmagossip


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