It states that the odds of getting mad cow disease from sperm are few and far between, but I guess the the FDA is recommending against imageimporting sperm from any donor who has lived in the United Kingdom or France for more than three months, or elsewhere in Europe for more than five years, since 1980.  Perhaps she might have some luck finding a Viking baby donor from here in the United States. 

Nordic frozen semen appears it might be going up in price based on supply and demand here in the US.  BD

The sperm bank had run out of vials from Peterson's donor and could not replace them, because of restrictions health officials have instituted to protect Americans against the human form of mad cow disease. Since May 2005, the United States has effectively barred sperm banks from importing from Europe for fear it might spread the brain-ravaging pathogen that causes the affliction.

Before the restrictions went into effect, two sperm banks -- California Cryobank in Los Angeles and Cryos International in New York City -- imported sperm from Denmark. The Nordic donors were popular because of their blue eyes and blond hair, and their tendency to be tall and have advanced degrees.

Mad Cow Rules Hit Sperm Banks' Patrons -

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