This is very funny!  With all the genomics news of late, this had to happen!  Good spoof!  BD 


imageDisaster struck the U District Monday, as a 6-foot, three-hundred-pound man-mouse hybrid escaped from containment at the University of Washington's Comparative Genomics Center (CGC) and rampaged through the neighborhood, leaving a trail of  terrified children and weirded out adults in its wake. It was awful, said U District resident Penny Orting. It just came out of nowhere and started waving its hands all over the place, slowly walking toward the children& and they just stood there, paralyzed with fear.

The genetic abomination is the result of ten years of study at the CGC. A secret project codenamed “Icy Smoke Emu” was funded by $82 million obtained through an innocuous-looking line-item for “test vials” in the biology department’s annual budget.

Students and U District neighbors have long suspected that the CGC has been performing experiments that can only be described as a terrible affront to nature, but until Monday accusers lacked any proof.

As of noon, the creature was still on the large.  It was last seen in the vicinity of Children’s Hospital, where it snuck up on a crowd of thirty recovering cancer patients between the ages of four and eight, then disappeared into an alley.

Mutant Man-Mouse Hybrid Escapes UW Lab | The Naked Loon


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