image Some things in sales don't change no matter what field you are in and Pharma is no different, sales are made by building relationships, in other words, people do business with people they like, so the peer articles maybe could be just a little off target.  I spent over 20 years in outside sales in another field, and that is exactly how it is done.  BD

So much for peer-reviewed journal articles. According to the results of the national Physician Engagement study by PeopleMetrics Rx, "emotional components such as friendship with the reps are the strongest indicators of fully engaged physicians." In this context, the phrase "fully engaged" is one that means "very likely to prescribe." The study included Pharma companies AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Janssen, Eli Lilly and Pfizer and included 500 psychiatrists and primary care physicians who regularly prescribe atypical antipsychotic medications.

Pharma sales to physicians: emotions beat evidence - FiercePharma

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