Medical bloggers have a stock pile of valuable information, as referenced in this post.  If you don't find answers here at this blog, check out some of the links on this site and explore, chances are you might find some very good references.  The one item that is still somewhat of an imageannoyance though is the fact that fax machines are still alive and well, but hopefully in time this too will change with the advancement of PHRs, personal health records to store all of this stuff.  There are links to both Google Health and the HealthVault on this site for more information.  BD  

With evidence murky on so many medical treatment options, patients shouldn't worry about offending their doctor by asking for a second opinion, primary care doc and prolific blogger Kevin Pho writes this morning. He links to this story from the San Diego Union-Tribune, which includes some commonsense tips for seeking a second opinion.

Health Blog : Five Tips for Seeking a Second Opinion


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