An interesting story on what a DNA report can reveal, in this case the woman has an X and a Y, instead of two Xs, like most females.  It is imagesomewhat rare but does exist with having internal testicles, and this produces extra high levels of estrogen, the the testosterone produced pretty much can't go anywhere.  No body odor and sweating though is certainly a nice benefit from the sideline though, but Adrogen Insensitivity Syndrome, as the condition is called has been somewhat hidden for years as the other downside is that a woman has no ovaries. 

So the end result here, is that even with the chromosome imbalance, one is still all female.  BD

After several tests, doctors gave her bad news. They told Atwood her ovaries were twisted and cancer-prone, and that they'd have to be removed. Worse yet, the surgery would leave her infertile. She was understandably devastated. But there was more troubling news to come. When Atwood was just 15, her stepmother blurted out something she was never supposed to, something almost unbelievable.

"She told me, 'you know, they lied to you,'" Atwood told ABC News' Juju Chang. "'You're really half-man, half-woman.'"

ABC News: A Woman With Male Chromosomes?


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