Hopefully the new President and cabinet will offer some relief in this areas.  50% of the hospitals in the US already are either bordering on insolvency or getting very close.  In the related reading below there is an entire series on Desperate Hospitals that describe how many are coping and how some have closed under economic pressure in the last few months, not a pretty picture.  BD 

Just as the economic crisis is driving many workers into the ranks of the unemployed and uninsured, the Bush administration has callously decided to reduce Medicaid payments to hospitals for their outpatient services. With tax revenues collapsing, many states will be unable to pay their share of Medicaid costs, let alone make up for the loss of federal support.

The hospitals can continue to provide such services. But they will now be reimbursed at the much lower rates for other Medicaid providers.

Editorial - Wrong Move at the Wrong Time - NYTimes.com

Hat Tip:  Kevin, MD

Related Reading:

Desperate Hospitals Series – 11-02-2008 Update

Desperate Hospitals: Chicago Hospital Hangs For Sale Sign
Desperate Hospitals - Hawaii- What is happening to our Hospital System?
Desperate Hospitals - August 29 (Continued)
Concerns Over Large Not-for-Profit Hospital System
Desperate Hospitals - Grady's financial cure in question
More Desperate Hospitals - Miami, FL and Cape Cod, MA
A hopeful prognosis - Desperate "California" Hospitals
Desperate Hospitals - Century City Doctors Hospital (Los Angeles) begins shutting down, others file Chapter 11 to reorganize
New New Jersey law to pinpoint financially troubled hospitals - "Desperate Hospitals"
Desperate Hospitals? (As Featured today in the WSJ)
The battle of the medical bills where nobody but the insurers win
Hospitals protest new California rules on patient balance billing
Cape Cod hospital gets $10M gift
Bankruptcy Bug Hits Hospitals – Desperate Hospitals
Desperate Hospitals – September 2008
Desperate Hospitals: Hospitals in Hands of Voters - Arkansas


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