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Antiseptic chlorhexidine along with a nasal ointment in a study done in the Netherlands seems to be making an impact in reducing staph.  The US also did a study at imagesix hospitals and they also saw a drop of 10% compared to 16% with those patients who received the iodine. 

The new stuff is blue tinted and works quicker and longer but runs about $12 for a prep versus $3.  Small price to pay to keep staph infections down.  Next time instead of waking up with the orange tint, it could be blue.  The chemical is also found in mouthwash to help reduce plaque and bacteria.  BD  

NEW YORK - Looks like doctors aren’t the only ones who should scrub before surgery. Bathing patients with an antiseptic and squirting medicated ointment up their noses dramatically cut the rate of dangerous staph infections afterward, researchers found.

A second study found the antiseptic did a better job of preventing infections than the reddish-brown iodine solution that’s been used for decades to swab the skin before an operation.

U.S. researchers tested a newer antiseptic against the iodine solution commonly used to prep surgery patients and found it cut all surgical-site infections by 40 percent. The study’s leader, Dr. Rabih Darouiche, of the Michael DeBakey VA Medical Center in Houston, and other experts expect the newer antiseptic to replace iodine.

Dousing patients in antiseptic curbs infections - Infectious diseases-


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