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The California Governor said Nebraska got the corn and California got the husk.  In other words he is pulling his support as the current bill shifts more money responsibility to the State, which doesn’t have it right now.  Nebraska’s deal has the federal government pick up the state’s share of the Medicaid expansion.  This is interesting how one state seemed to benefit and others did not.  Is healthcare reform political or real?  Good question.  BD  image

In his annual “State of the State” message today, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger withdrew his support for the health care reform measures Democrats are attempting to finish up in Washington, DC.

“While I enthusiastically support health care reform, it is not reform to push more costs onto states that are already struggling while other states get sweetheart deals,” the governor said.

The White House had in the past brought much attention to Schwarzenegger’s previous support for the effort.

“Health care reform, which started as noble and needed legislation, has become a trough of bribes, deals and loopholes,” Schwarzenegger said. “You’ve heard of the bridge to nowhere.  This is health care to nowhere.”

He called for California's congressional delegation to “either vote against this bill that is a disaster for California or get in there and fight for the same sweetheart deal Senator Nelson of Nebraska got for the Cornhusker State. He got the corn; we got the husk.”

Schwarzenegger Withdraws Support for Democrats’ Health Care Reform - Political Punch


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