Is greed creating anger?  Is ignorance allowing greed to grow?  Those are just a couple questions popping around in my mind today.  When one is in a very public position, and especially those that make decisions that impact the well being of the rest of the nation, well this is what happens to have protection from the angry frustrated folks, who’s numbers within the last year seems to have seen an increase. 

Congressional Death Threats Are Bi-Partisan – Please Stop the Political Show And Get In Touch With Reality

Medicare situation solved yet on pay cuts and COBRA- No, but Congress is addressing now something most IT professionals did years ago when Napster came out, peer to peer sharing on government employee computers, go figure.

Breaking News: House Passed a Bill to Prevent Government Employees From Using Peer to Peer File Sharing!

At HIMMs 2009 we came away with this news and on this blog I write about this quite a bit too.  The decisions always seem to opinionate from the area of “its for those guys over there”, but wait, don’t we all have health, so why is this? 

U.S. Congress has an inadequate understanding Value of Health IT – HIMMS Opening Session

About 2 years ago I wrote about the 2 hot trends in Healthcare and it certainly still stands today, algorithms and whistleblowers, as they generate money, press and attention, but don’t fully cure our healthcare issue.

The 2 New Hot Words in Healthcare: Algorithms and Whistleblowers

Do we have enough folks with “hands on” experience as consumers in Congress or those who are let’s say “willing” to try some hands on as a consumer, which I think we all still fall into that category.  I see this all over the place though, a CEO who would not if it were the last thing on earth left to do, touch Tablet PC or an IPad as they think it is still “not cool” or something they don’t believe they need to be bothered with, but if they do, a great light bulb goes on to enable them to see how technology is changing the world today. 

Obama's Healthcare Economic Plan – Leaders with “Hands On” Technology Experience and Algorithms Needed

The scientists have been making a stab at the effort and they probably have a bigger understanding from many angles.

Scientists gather to chart out a 'total reboot' for medicine – Science and Medicine Coming Together

I guess in short, “greed” requires a lot of security these days, especially for those who are the “non participants” and repeat what they hear instead of a little “doing”action, what I call “Magpie Healthcare”. 

Would Someone Explain Data Aggregation and “High Frequency Healthcare” to the US Congress

Wall Street and Health insurers certainly have some great technology and algorithms they use, so much that it creates perhaps profit areas where they should not exist and use up money that could go to the bottom line on providing care to all. 

HealthCare Reform Revolves around Participation, Perception and Education For Success

If we don’t take time and educate and work with our citizens to help explain and understand the complicated system we have built or find a way to uncomplicate things (either of which would work in my book), then outrages and the need for security will continue I think for those who in the positions to make monetary and morality decisions that effect all.  Celebrities deal with this, but most of their need for security is due to people wanting to be close to them and see role models in many.

Speaking of such, where’s our role models in Congress?  Do they exist?  We have a President who had some first hand experience with the “ugly” side of insurance first hand that he speaks of here and there, and that memory is not going away any time soon as it is real, just like the need to collaborate and create a system for the US. 

Perhaps the other CEOs will be increasing their security too, paid for with health insurance premiums of course.  BD 

It’s no secret that WellPoint (WLP) CEO Angela Braly has been front and center during the long healthcare debate. In late February, she was summoned to Washington to testify before Congress and explain why some customers of WellPoint subsidiary Anthem Blue Cross were expected to see their premiums jump by 39%. In posts like this one on Firedoglake, Braly and her company were virtually hung in effigy.

So perhaps it’s not much of a surprise to read about sharply increased security costs for Braly in the proxy that WellPoint filed late Friday. Last year, the company spent $151K to provide additional security to Braly “in light of growing concerns regarding the safety of Ms. Braly and her family as a result of the national health care debate.” The $151K covered “personal security during travel, a security-enhanced vehicle and in-home security.” A quick skim of the 2008 proxy shows that these expenses appear to be new.

WellPoint’s CEO gets extra security… |


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