This is a good site and so easy to navigate.  I have searched various sites on the web relative to breast cancer and the format here is simple and has been presented in what I feel is a great format. 

Some of the sources found and searched on the site include the National Cancer Institute, National Breast Cancer Coalition Fund, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, United States Food and Drug Administration, Office of Women's Health, and the Komen foundation. 

What is also nice I thought was the inclusion of e-books too.  We all have our favorite places to look for information but the format here I think makes it easy for anyone to quickly drill down for information, and perhaps we may see more sites like this appear.  BD


PALO ALTO, Calif.--(EON: Enhanced Online News)--In honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, ebrary®, a leading provider of digital content products and technologies, today announced it has collaborated with librarians from other organizations to create an open access database of breast cancer publications. The site is available today at

The site was created using DASH!™ (Data Sharing, Fast), ebrary’s do-it-yourself e-publishing tool which is included with many of the company’s e-book products and services. Organizations that wish to contribute information to ebrary’s Breast Cancer Searchable Information Center may receive a complimentary DASH! account to upload and integrate their documents, provided they have copyrights.

ebrary Offers Free Breast Cancer Searchable Information Center | EON: Enhanced Online News


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