This is is just funny and I have been using both Windows Live and Office Live since the beta stages and have recommended Office Live for small practices to use too..  Windows Live Writer of course is my favorite and the tool I use for imagethis blog, love those updates to make it easier for me to blog.  Here’s some history that goes back to my post in 2007. 

Microsoft Delivers Office Live Workspace Beta

Now the “Double Rainbow” effect, TV celebrity Jimmy Kimmel made this guy a star and now he’s the Windows Live Guy too, so the video below gives the new editions of the software the “Double Rainbow” treatment.  How do I know this, I follow Jimmy Kimmel on Twitter of course and thought it was strange tweet when I saw it, but strange things happen today so now we have Double Rainbow Windows.  This is a little toned down since his initial Double Rainbow video which seemed to go on forever but was very entertaining.  BD   

Double Rainbow

Unlike Windows Vista, Windows 7 doesn't come with applications such as Messenger, Mail, Photo Gallery and Movie Maker. Users must download these Windows Live apps after the fact, though they are free.

Today Microsoft released a new version of Windows Live Essentials, the suite that includes these lifestyle applications. The software giant has been tweaking the apps since releasing the Windows Live Essentials 2011 beta in June.

Microsoft releases new suite of Windows Live applications


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