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W are back again to the concern of the raw material – pig intestines – from China with a substance added to stretch heparin and this article states it is due to the changes in the Chinese pig population?  What’s going on with those Chinese imagepigs?

Scientific Protein, is the company supplying the active ingredient and was the same company in the news a couple years ago.  The full press release and lot numbers can be found here. 

FDA Plans Recall Data Base – Nice Still Need Tags on the Products So We Can Find Them Immediately

We just love as citizens to have to take time and dig through all this stuff that is imagesurmounting every week.  I even wrote to the FDA a couple times but no answer so no enthusiasm or comments, so that’s what we have here.  Private industry already has produced over 2 billion bar code tags so again imagewe have some real deaf ears and perhaps some 70s folks still hanging on.  Sure would be nice to scan the recalls with our cell phones and have the FDA set up with a process soon.  BD 

B. Braun Medical Inc., of Irvine on Wednesday announced a recall of seven lots of the anticoagulant heparin because of concerns they may be contaminated with trace amounts of oversulfated chondroitin sulfate, or OSCS, the same substance implicated in the 2008 heparin crisis that killed or seriously sickened dozens of people. The company said in a statement that based on current information, the recalled lots did not pose a significant health risk, but they're being pulled from the market "with the support of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration." "There is not a significant public health threat," FDA spokeswoman Karen Riley said.

Heparin: Irvine medical products company B. Braun recalls seven lots -


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