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Normally we go and see all the new electronics coming out and this year we have seen a huge blast of new devices in healthcare that not only are for consumers and imagetheir own use, but they also are now working with medical records systems that record and report data.  This is the changing face of mobile healthcare.  If you read here often enough there’s plenty of posts at the Medical Quack. 

There will be a healthcare summit which costs some money to attend with United being one of the sponsors and who knows maybe they will be selling health insurance there too? 

We always expect to see devices and each year at imageCES the number is growing and when you look through the list of exhibitors, there’s plenty this year. United may have a stronger reason than others to participate with their purchase of China Gate via Ingenix, via I3 (subsidiary daisy chain and pay attention to these) to promote and distribute more Chinese drugs globally and in the US.  Is this part of their overall solution to help keep the cost of healthcare down?  It makes one wonder when you look at how the face of companies and marketing is changing today on such a rapid pace. 

UnitedHealth subsidiary (Ingenix Subsidiary I3) Acquires ChinaGate – Working to Sell Chinese Products Globally

From the China Gate website:

“We are familiar with the Chinese regulatory system and are well connected with most of the top urban class A  hospitals and clinical trial centers that are GCP certified by the China State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA). Moreover, since we worked many years in multi-national pharmaceutical companies ,we are well versed in ICH, European and United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requirements on Good Clinical Practice (GCP).

Many US companies, such as Medtronic already have strong Chinese ties with facilities and contracts issued to companies in China, and at CES we see product from all over the world so perhaps a bit stronger interest here with subsidiary actions outside the normal realm of just providing health insurance.  We are on our way to have healthcare or something related on every street corner <grin>.  You can read here where China is experiencing growth and is banking on sales globally to move forward with building their own technologies here so we need to keep up for sure in the US.  BD


UnitedHealth Group is a leading health care company, serving more than 75 million people worldwide. Our family of companies touches nearly every aspect of health care, helping people live healthier lives. As a leader in the health benefits and services industry, our six imagebusinesses - UnitedHealthcare, Ovations, AmeriChoice, OptumHealth, Ingenix, and Prescription Solutions - offer exceptional service, broad capabilities and enduring value in creating a modern health care system. Our products and services empower individuals, expand consumer choice and strengthen patient-provider relationships across the health care spectrum.


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