The point of the personal health records is to benefit the patient and the prime example he points to here are those with cancer or chronic diseases. Dr. David Brailer also talks about the slow process of getting their records together without a PHR. As a reminder I have a full section with over 300 posts that cover Personal Health Records on the Medical Quack. I have been covering since they came to life.
As you watch the video there’s many screenshots here with both HealthVault and Google Health, the originators of PHRs. We still need a lot of help and training to bring consumers up to date as everyone is at different levels with consumer digital literacy today.
You can always find links to personal health records here under the resources column. I have my 86 year old mother’s records who is in a different state and we have everything in there from her advanced directive to pathology reports. What I have said many times over here though is that we are still lacking any role models with our leaders, Congress etc. as this is not “just for those guys over there”.
This is one area where our leaders keep losing it. Long and short of all of this is that we have government officials that live in “tech denial” and don’t participate, so we get “Magpie” healthcare so at the highest levels of leadership with highly viewable people in decision making areas that don’t do squat themselves or never find time to try to set any type of example. If some became participants we would have to spend less on some studies as they would be familiar and know the topics simply by participating.
HHS National Plan to Improve Health Literacy – Not Going To Happen Until We Focus on Using Technology (The Tool for Literacy) Which Includes Role Models at HHS And Other Places in Government
People he states that are sick seem to be better users and it is much more than just “nice to know” as it can be a lifesaver. Privacy is mentioned and he says that is a big deal too, and as I always suggest, ask to where your records are being stored.
The goal is not for the consumer to put more information online but rather it is for patients to “get it”. Once again I do chuckle a bit when the conversation rolls around to the slow adaptation and I covered that above, no roll models. Speaking of “getting information” this is a good spot to mention the Blue Button Initiative that allows Medicare and VA recipients “to get” their information,it is there. The two links below describe how Medicare and VA recipients can “ get” their information. BD
Medicare.Gov Blue Button Download For Personal Health Record Information for Those Covered by Medicare
VA Can Now Use the “Blue Button” to Download Their Data from Their PHR (Personal Health Record)
WSJ's Jeanette Borzo talks with Dr. David Brailer, America's first digital-health czar, about consumers' efforts to computerize their own health records.
Video - Dr. David Brailer Discusses Challenges to Online Medical Records -
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