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In May of 2010 US Preventive Medicine, a Dallas based company raised $25 million in equity financing, just some to be aware of and now they are in partnership with imageSam’s Club to make you get healthier.  You know all of this targeted healthcare information is good and maybe it’s because I do this blog reporting on all of this, but on a day like today I want say ‘ENOUGH ALREADY”.  You can watch the video here announcing the partnership.

Remember this is a big for profit company and you can watch the videos on their website and see where they get data to sell and maybe we get healthier.  It’s all about selling data these days.  You fill out a form and get a health risk assessment and then also receive a blood test and just like any of the other plans you get a coach and a few other things to develop a healthy living plan.

All of this would not be so bad if there were not such high levels of profit built in as that’s the real reason they want you to be well, not because they are concerned about you, bottom line.  With all the marketing we see to day your health is just one little spot on the commodity market and you are not much more than a risk.  If you see enough of this as I do on the web, that’s the message coming through.  Sam’s Club would not be providing this if they didn’t get some type of fee for listing on their website I don’t believe.  Anyway, add it to your cart if you are interested in yet one more plan to get healthy in exchange for another wellness company collecting and have the potential to sell your data along the line in some shape or form. 

When you stop and think about it at $99.00 a year for what they provide without some additional data revenue sources I think companies as such would go out of business as it can’t be priced this low without some type of income subsidy.  BD


Press Release:

BENTONVILLE, ARK., (Jan. 5, 2011) – January is the month when many Americans look to turn over a new leaf when it comes to their health. This year Sam’s Club will give Business, Advantage and Plus members across the country tools to help them achieve their health goals including free monthly in-club health screenings and access to a new health management benefit, The Prevention Plan from U.S. Preventive Medicine.

"Through our member insights, we know our members want to stay in control of their health," said Jill Turner-Mitchael, senior vice president, Sam’s Club Health and Wellness. ”We’re proud to offer these simple health solutions, including free health screenings along with great products like The Prevention Plan, so our members can maintain control of their health decisions, minimize health risks and keep health care costs low for their families, employees and themselves."

The Prevention Plan*

Exclusively priced at $99 for our members, Sam's Club will now offer The Prevention Plan, a personalized, step-by-step health management program designed imageto help people take control of their individual health. Via an online health assessment and at-home blood test, Sam's Club members can take the first steps in identifying potential individual health issues. From there, a personalized plan is created to address risks. Personal health coaching, ongoing support, a variety of tools and a plan-wide health challenge are provided through The Prevention Plan to keep members motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

"America is moving from the reactive treatment of illness to the proactive preservation of health," said Christopher Fey, chairman and CEO, U.S. Preventive Medicine. "The Prevention Plan provides the knowledge and tools to help individuals improve their health and wellbeing. A recent study in Population Health Management shows The Plan has been successful in helping people significantly reduce important risk factors including blood glucose, blood pressure, cholesterol and many others. We are pleased to make this program available to Sam's Club members."

For more information on The Prevention Plan, customers can call 866-713-1180, or visit

January In-Club Health Screenings

All Sam’s Club members across the country can participate in the free monthly health screenings beginning in January. Throughout the year, each monthly event will offer different screenings, including

  • • Personal consultation from a licensed pharmacist on their prescriptions   
  • • Blood pressure checkups
  • • Bone density scans
  • • Body mass index assessment
  • • Cholesterol and glucose tests
  • • Hearing and vision screening

For more information on The Prevention Plan, customers can call 866-713-1180, or visit


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