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Bill Gates stated philanthropy is doing it’s share but it do it alone.  “We invest in any technology that avoids starvation” he said.  That’s a very reason approach in my book and why the Gates Foundation is so high on vaccines, its saves lives. 

Bill Gates-Paris

Again, something to think about here is that we have fabulous minds at work who know how to use algorithms for intelligent decisions and Mr. Gates knows how to write them, for good purposes rather than just straight out greed as we have seen our share of that by all means.  What do you with all of that money?  How much does one need to survive?   Keep in mind he was way ahead of the rest when he started his foundation, in other words he saw a lot of what we have today before it happened.  If you missed his TED presentation this year, the link below has a video to fill you in how how he discussed state budgets. We have lot of digital illiterate lawmakers that could use some help.

Bill Gates–TED-Talks About States Budgets (Where Are You Getting Those Algorithms) and Educational Needs (Update)(Video)

The scary thing too is that lawmakers when a technology tool is presented to them, they don’t recognize what it is and the value to help them do their job better…this is sad.  Here’s a quick example on some out of focus lawmakers struggling for some type of identity in Indiana today…they just don’t get it and appear to be reaching out for anything they have a little knowledge of or feel they can control, and we all suffer over such actions too as nothing gets done and a lot of time is wasted so Mr. Gates was right on the money with State budgets and Indiana proves it today.

Indiana Legislature Bill 1210-Digital Illiteracy? Do They Have an IT Infrastructure in Mind to Back This Up? What’s Wrong With These People

In another talk he spoke of how we are spending money “insanely” which when it comes to software and technology that shows value, no better judge and I’m sure he sees all the “Junker” software that being put out there today too. 

Capitalism Problems with Research and Poverty–Bill Gates at mHealth Convention

Let’s put it this way if I had to choose between trusting Wall Street algorithms and those from Mr. Gates, well no question there after all we have been through on who writes better and accurate formulas and I think he knows the difference between algorithms for desire and those for accuracy and the two are not always the same.  Watch the movie inside job to see some bad algos that we all suffered through and are still working with what was created.  Its an algorithmic world we live in today, no question about it as formulas help us find the intelligent information we need for our decision making processes.  BD 

The world's banks, mining, drug and other companies should invest much more in foreign aid, Bill Gates, the world's leading philanthropist told European MEPs on Tuesday.

Gates, who is touring Europe celebrating the success of US and other aid programs, said that private philanthropy only contributed 2% to world aid flows but that this could be increased. "We could grow it. Philanthropy contributes more than its proportional share. It will never offset anything done by big governments but … you would expect people of wealth to do it more. We need more philanthropists – drug companies, banks, mobile phone, mineral companies," he said.

The Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, now with assets of around $22bn, has invested mostly in child health but Gates said one of the next great challenges would be to improve the productivity of poor farmers as world populations grow and climate change affects more people.

Private firms should contribute more to foreign aid, says Bill Gates | John Vidal | Global development |


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