The insurance executives have taken the medical decisions and good medical care out control of clinicians, pretty simple.  Have you had a surgical procedure lately?  I had one surgeon recently tell me of procedures lined up by the hour, seven knees in seven hours, now does that make sense?  It puts undue stress on the surgical staff, no doubt.  In a related story about doctors having outbursts, well something has to give somewhere along the line, frustration sets in, along with stress.  Stress is a leading cause of medical errors no matter how many ways you look at it.

imageDo we now have a system that is so very complicated with procedures and compensation that it is having an effect on how clinicians  function, I would guess that we have a big positive here.  Technology is great and can relieve many errors, but it also creates a new set of potential errors.  The physicians have the overall responsibility for the procedure in the OR, but yet, they are dependent on the entire team to have a success and one wrong move or error today is critical, so there's much that is outside the realm of their immediate control

As mentioned in the "Desperate Hospitals" posts, hospitals are having to function with less resources today and budget for items that don't even exist today, but may show up tomorrow.  Is this going away with new rules from Medicare, no, it only gets worse and stress levels will continue to accelerate. Is there any hope of a happy medium somewhere down the line, I sure hope someone can find one.  Again, it is back to the clinicians having to function under cost cutting and economic rules and times that are a large force driving all of this.  Until we can get back to the business of medicine being run by the clinicians and not by economic cuts and pie in the sky budgets, it's not going to get any better soon, which is a shame.  Be aware of what is happening in our healthcare system today, especially if you have a procedure planned anytime soon and try to be as much as an informed patient as possible.  BD 

Medical science is improving and we know more about how to cure disease than ever before. So why do so many patients suffer injuries when they are treated by modern health care providers - doctors and hospitals?

The answer has to do with economics.

The reason? Insurance Companies and HMO's. I repeat: Insurance Companies and HMO's. And an emphatic "no" it isn't malpractice lawsuits. In Hawaii fewer that 100 doctors have claims brought against them each year and the facts just don't support the "malpractice crisis" that the insurance company and HMO CEO's and CFO's have fabricated.

Why Do Doctors Make Mistakes that Injure Or Kill Their Patient's? | InjuryBoard Honolulu


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