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I have embedded the video below and this is as close as anyone has come to crawling out of denial with acknowledging the fact that technology and the use of algorithmic formulas is changing the world.  I read all these items in the news that imageare jumping all around the place for the biggest OMG story and it get so tiring. 

As a politician you can get up there and make all kinds of statements, but if those algorithms running in the background prove you wrong, you’re sunk and thus we see tons of that today and mostly from those who are non participants in general consumer IT knowledge.  Adrianna Huffington today got as close to this “uncomfortable topic” as I have seen anyone get, it is what it is. 

The folks that run algorithms for profit to get money from the ignorant just love this as it buys them a whole lot more time to write some more and define what they are using to squeeze even more money out.  If you don’t subscribe to this fact, then you are lost, mad, frustrated and have no clue what is going on.

What do you think runs Wall Street – algorithms.  The folks that design these and the companies that run these is what has take the money from the middle class.  What determines your taxes – the algorithms run by the IRS.  What is silly today is the use of the term “circuit breaker” for the algorithm that slows down the markets when trading levels hit certain limits – it’s an algorithm.  A circuit breaker is what is on the side of my house to control electricity and that’s how I think of it. 

What do health insurers use to determine what they pay and cover on healthcare – the algorithms.  They score your health and project what your risk is going to be for them, just like Wall Street does with investments, as that is all you are is just one more brick in the Wall Street.  That goes for me too of course as I get the same stuff. with little or no ethics in the process.

What do you use when looking for information on the internet – probably those Google algorithms.  One of my favorite shows is Rachel Maddow and she’s no dummy and makes one heck of a show making fun of those politicians that are non participants in their showings and statements.  Yeah they make mistakes as all they are are magpies and as soon as they make a comment that conflicts with what is in the data bases, she nails them, and rightly so!  People that know technology know this and understand the “dummy”processes we see out there and it makes for great OMG news, but does little for the consumer except mislead and create an area of distraction and disruption.  It plays on our emotions while the algorithms continue to run 24/7 and make tons of money for their creators.

As a politician you can get up there and make all kinds of statements, but if those algorithms running in the background prove you wrong, you’re sunk and thus we see tons of that today and mostly from those who are non participants in general consumer IT knowledge.  Adrianna Huffington today got as close to this “uncomfortable topic” as I have seen anyone get, it is what it is.  Instead of being educated we get treated to bit of nonsense like this in the news, again no role models available to make it believable.  Have you ever seen Joe Biden using a cell phone, or anyone besides the President using technology?  There’s not much out there on the web with visuals, I have looked.  image

HHS National Plan to Improve Health Literacy – Not Going To Happen Until We Focus on Using Technology (The Tool for Literacy) Which Includes Role Models at HHS And Other Places in Government

The folks that run algorithms for profit to get money from the ignorant just love this as it buys them a whole lot more time to write some more and define what they are using to squeeze even more money out.  If you don’t subscribe to this fact, then you are lost, mad, frustrated and have no clue what is going on.

What also irks me too is the fact that we have this big push for education and yet we don’t have any role models to speak of as they don’t use it and if you were to corner most politicians today on perhaps how they use mobile or health care technology you would get one big blank stare, duh? Hopefully we will see some additional interview like this coming forth too! 

We live and die by the decisions made by algorithms today so what anyone get up and promises especially throughout this election time, really is pretty much meaningless and the American public will continue this road of discontent and without more real education, we are on our way to emulating a 3rd world country very soon. 

It is scary as we hear the GOP stumbling all over themselves all the time with “dumb” statements and standing, and yet due to frustration of lack of education and where the smart individuals are that can help, the boneheads of the world may find their way into office out of shear frustration of the uneducated American public, but what’s in store after that fact could be scarier yet with a Congress full of even bigger “non participants” with the big bullhorns.  BD 

Arianna Huffington on 'Third World America' - ABC News


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