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This is a nice computer and along with a couple other bloggers you may see Multi-touch supporton the web with a few other discussing so this is a plus if as you get more than one perspective from a blog you follow.   I’m participating in evaluating and commenting on the Lenovo Think Centre M90z. . It has been supplied by Lenovo for my use in evaluating.  I’ll be adding some posts here and there on things that I find useful and what I am doing with the unit.

First thing I like is the fact that it is an all in one unit and I don’t have a tower to deal with as this was what lead me to buy my IMAC a couple years ago.

I have included a couple images here so you can see what I am talking about.  It has touch screen capabilities which I have been used to using with my tablet so have the desktop that does this too is great.  Being a tablet person since they came out, the first thing I tried out with the TIP input panel, the handwriting recognition.  It works great and recognition is fine with Windows 7.  I will be working eventually on the speech recognition too as those are some of the tools I use personally all the Easy to replace HD and Ramtime.  I can easily use my fingernail to write! 

The unit has 4 mg of ram, but being it is a 32 bit system, just a shade under 3 can be accessed and that is true of any 32 bit computer.  I’ll be doing additional testing and one item I added was blue tooth on one of the USB ports as I use both a blue tooth mouse and keyboard with the unit.  I’m into wireless where ever I can be.  Connecting to my wireless network was very easy and nice to have that capability built in.

I also attached a USB TV Tuner to work with the Media Center to try it out as well.  A few years ago I did some demos for Microsoft and Intel on Media Centers Greenerso it was right up on top of my list. 

The television reception is good and the Media Center works well and the Windows 7 version has a few new little extras on the interface.  The computer is also a power saver and has “green” technology with power savers, etc.  Moving the unit around is easy enough with the handle on the top back side and it’s easy enough to pull the stand out and set it down, ready to use. 

This is the first of a few posts I will add here and this is more or less a simple introduction and stay tuned for more information later and a chance to win one of these units too.  BD 


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