The scientists has found a process that keeps the cells alive long via the use of a synthetic chemical and more cell survive too. As many as 90% of the cells do not survive if they are not treated and with the use of the synthetic chemical  the death rate of the cells is lowered to 6 to 70%.  image

When single cells are grown for cloning this has been an issue and of course consumes more time.  The ability to grow larger numbers of cells at once can benefit research for areas like diabetes and on top of the benefits, it’s cheap to buy.  BD 

Two years after finding a chemical that helps to keep lab-grown stem cells from dying, a UC Riverside researcher says he has done it again. This time, the chemical involved is cheaper to obtain and has fewer potentially adverse affects on the cells.

Noboru Sato, a medical doctor and an assistant professor in biochemistry, has shown that the use of a synthetic chemical called blebbistatin increases the survivability of cells cultured, via cloning, from a single cell. Sato's study appeared Tuesday in the online journal Nature Communications.

UCR scientist finds way to keep stem cells alive | Local News | | Southern California News | News for Inland Southern California


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