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This is pretty wild and still in the testing stage, but here we go once more with a imagedongle that plus into an SD card slot to make this happen, so the body is streaming.  Who would have ever thought bodies would stream and you have your own live EKG running in real time.  Blue Tooth has been the wireless avenue of choice but with BAN (Body Area Network).  At the link below you can read up on a related type of project in the works with wearing a battery to power all your implants too.image

Implantable Devices Getting Wireless External Power Supplies – Bionic Man/Woman

I like the demo video here as it pretty well covers the whole story.  You stick on a couple sensors and put the device around your neck, button up and you are ready to go.  BD

Body Area Network
Dutch researchers recently demonstrated a new type of wireless body imagearea network, or BAN for short. A BAN essentially gives the human body its own IP address, and the new techniques demonstrated at IMEC based in Eindhoven incorporate a dongle that plugs into the SD card slot of a cellphone, enabling the streaming of data from the sensors to the cellphone in real time. The demonstrated software, which runs Android OS and uses the nRF24L01+ radio wireless standard rather than Bluetooth

Wireless body area network allows your body to send status updates to your cellphone -- Engadget


  1. please explain the purpose of the device placed around the neck


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