We all have probably by now heard about the stimulus money that is dedicated to setting up medical record training in colleges to arm a crew of students to pursue a imagecareer to expand the use of electronic records via educating doctors and clinical staff.  Here’s one of the first items I have seen on the project, not students in this effort, but rather nurses enrolling online for the $300.00 course, where they get a discount with stimulus funding. 

Actually if they are working at a hospital, perhaps some reimbursement for the nurses cost for taking such courses would be cool?  When you stop and think about all the data input, nurses are certainly right in there doing their share too.  As you can read from this article, the one nurse quoted here didn’t even know what a browser was, so this is huge to see this enthusiasm here and putting the stimulus benefits to work.  The online classes take six months to complete.  BD

FAIRFIELD — Before Jeri Gilbert started an online course in electronic health records last week, she didn’t know what a Web browser was.

Many of the students who signed up for the Kennebec Valley Community College course are a lot like Gilbert — nurses, not computer people.

Their workplaces, however, now need people with expertise in information technology as they move toward computerizing all their health records — a change President Barack Obama charged all hospitals and health care providers to make by 2015.

The purpose of electronic health records is to make patients’ complete medical histories readily available to any health-care provider, in order to avoid repetition of tests and medical errors. Concerns have been raised about ensuring that the records are kept private.

The courses, which aren’t for credit, last six months and cost $300 — a price reduced by the stimulus funding.

“Everybody talks about memory and gigabytes, but I really don’t know what that is,” she said.

Health-care workers get computer skills training | The Kennebec Journal, Augusta, ME


  1. Online education is a convenient way to learn. You can access a computer from home, libraries, work and internet cafes. E-learning is just as effectively as it does in the classroom.

  2. Online degree is very helpful for those who don't have time on going to traditional school, but you have to make sure that it's an accredited and the trainings are designed to enhance your skills and career.

  3. it is actually a good idea especially if you barely have the time to go on a actual classroom. No need for inconvenient face-to-face courses, with the hassle of travel and parking and you can work on your course any time 24/7!

  4. You will be able to find a decent job when taking online classes, because you will be available all day. When you attend school on campus, you are usually forced to take jobs that aren’t very desirable because you need a job that offers flexible hours.


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