Cryo-Save is Europe’s largest stem cell bank.  With those who have been working imagearound the nuclear plants, bone marrow damage from radiation is a big fear and would be for anyone exposed.  Obviously the ideal situation would be to have had cells stored ahead of time but this is certainly a step in the right direction by all means as we still do not know how many have really been affected and how far reaching this will all be.  Below is a video showing one hospital and what they are dealing with for care to some of those affected by both the earthquake and the resulting tsunami that devastated almost everything in it’s path.  BD

Tsunami-Hit Hospital in Japan Still Struggling To Care for Patients (Video)

Cryo-Save Group NV, the largest stem cell bank in Europe, is offering to store adult own stem cells for Japanese people. Japanese authorities want to harvest stem cells from the rescue workers, as recent scientific studies have shown that stem cells can repair damage caused by exposure to high radiation.

Stem Cell Laboratory

Japan is worried that it may run out of storage capacity and asked for help. At the present time, iodine tablets are the main way of protecting the people living in rural radioactive environment.

Dots Press » Stem Cells could Save Lives of the Irradiated Japanese


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