Labcorp the company most of us know as one of the major labs where we go for imagetests already had a big hold and interest in genomics and has for years so this could make for a very good match.  The National Genetics Institute is located in Los Angeles.  Just a couple days ago Genzyme announced some lay offs of around 1000 jobs over 15 months. 

National Genetics Institute Testing Services - Subsidiary of LabCorp....image

They also do the outsourcing for 23 and Me in sequencing DNA since the middle of 2008.

LabCorp Takes Over as 23andMe's Genotyping Service Provider

Many may remember the story back in 2009 where a virus infected hamster ovary cells being used for research.  Fabrazyme and Cerezyme, drugs for two rare genetic disorders are where Genzyme is the sole supplier of the medicines in the United States. This was the second time the company’s production vats had been infected with a virus called Vesivirus 2117, which first hit its facilities in 2008.

Virus hits Genzyme plant – Virus Infected Hamster Ovary Cells

Just as a side note, did you know you can use Microsoft HealthVault and have your lab results populated for you?  BDimage

LabCorp and MyMedLab Connect with Microsoft HealthVault PHR

Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings (LH) has agreed to buy the genetic testing business Genzyme Corp. (GENZ) for $925 million as the medical-testing giant looks to expand into areas such as reproductive and oncology.

Meanwhile, the sale comes as Genzyme has been struggling for more than a year with manufacturing problems at its most important plant, crimping supply of its two biggest drugs. As such, Genzyme in May said planned to shed three noncore operations--including genetic testing--by year's end "strategic alternatives" for three units while repurchasing $2 billion of stock.

LabCorp To Acquire Genzyme Genetics For $925M >LH -


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