How many people know that Optum has a bank? They don’t offer any retail services outside of an Health Savings Account to the public but man...
How many people know that Optum has a bank? They don’t offer any retail services outside of an Health Savings Account to the public but man...
First question out of the barrel might be “how can that be”. It’s really not too difficult to figure out. A short while back United Health...
This is topic that maybe does not get enough attention, simply due to the fact that today, consumers are just blasted with a score for this...
You know they are going to use these flawed medication adherence scores to determine who gets what with medications. This is horrifically f...
This almost needs no introduction and I’m sure almost all the doctors today can relate to this one. ZDogg MD has another hit it seems. Th...
You may or may not be aware of what’s going on with Big Data here but in China this is the deal, a Citizen Score that will determine everyon...