Well if you have not located enough information yet, the AMA has a web based tool for you to compare systems and prices. I didn’t see any ...
Well if you have not located enough information yet, the AMA has a web based tool for you to compare systems and prices. I didn’t see any ...
The Ingenix data base story has now graduated up to ABC News. They also provide other services to insurers and provide your prescription d...
This is a case where you may want your interventional radiologist and/or cardiologist close at hand, literally. This robot from Hansen is a...
Well obviously I don’t have the market cornered on this one, but yes I do have a cell phone that quacks, but being my last name is “Duck”, ...
Legal suits are still ramped with drug companies in the court rooms, this one has to be one of the largest settlements I am aware of, over ...
5 to 10 years for obesity or child neglect is the potential sentence if convicted for the mother. She was instructed to bring her son in f...
This could be interesting to see what comes to table from the inquisition as such are considered illegal, and then again what if none are r...
The government in the UK is looking at cost as well and the anticipated cost of expanding the data facilities of the NHS. This report stat...
This has been a pain for kids with injections, so it looks like soon kids will have a choice. Antares has several devices on the site, one ...
Finally the work and benefits of stem cells are beginning to evolve around us. The patient had a heart attack, had permanent damage and by ...
Finally, but not here in the US yet, a pacemaker that will allow a patient to have an MRI. No word on how long before we may see FDA appro...
I had the opportunity to chat with Dr. Erika Schwartz recently about Bio Identical Hormone Therapy, one of the foremost experts in the...
The device is expected to be available for purchase this fall. It is battery powered and can be life saving. With the Michael Jackson’s lo...
The drug was not withdrawn for not working, more so due to lawsuits and side effects, depression for one. As noted below, the US is not the...
This company has a few new wireless data reporting medical devices. The one mentioned in the study was the blood pressure device. These d...
We are beginning to see more “inhalable” drugs coming on the scene and this is one more that was a small trial, for kids it sure beats havi...
The basis of the study is interference of an underarm endocrine organ by antiperspirants, which by the way are considered a “drug” by the F...
Some of those in the survey said raise taxes to protect the NHS and cut back in other areas. There were mixed reactions too about private ...
What won’t we be doing with a portable electronic medical device in the future? This looks interesting enough and certainly portable. It ...