Termination date is for a year from now...until February 2009. BD Saint Luke's Health System said Thursday that it intends to termi...
Termination date is for a year from now...until February 2009. BD Saint Luke's Health System said Thursday that it intends to termi...
Hilarious ....conferencing can be fun and there's even a little time left to dance! Have fun with Office Communicator! BD More a...
In my travels and in communicating with folks at various levels of health care, the one thing that somewhat continues to boggle my mind a bi...
Hash cookies...good work from the ER in finding this....especially since the child had medical issues already....I thought some of this die...
No pot for the off duty police...BD AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The Dutch interior minister wants police officials to stop using soft drugs wh...
Update: Back in December it was noted that many front line employees don't have computers...and the article stated they never ask fo...
288 readings a day for 3 days....return to your physician at the end of the 72 hours and go over the data collected on the computer....BD ...
And the insurers will not pay as well....again the question in some areas, what is preventable..some are obvious but there's an areas of...
Back to the same issue..who's going to pay the bill? There's quite a bit of money in the "cash reserves" held by the ins...
Is it time to scrap the entire system and start over? This article explores some opinions and thoughts on the issue...BD Not only shoul...
NORWOOD, Ohio - A woman who had been told that her pains were false labor pains gave birth in the driveway of her home. Charryse Brooks, 25...
One more for the legal system...real diagnosing or a matter of money? Not enough of a story here to speculate...BD Eleven women have fi...
I guess this will be easier for the DEA to arrest a machine...well at least help put an end to the recent activity of yes it ok, or no it i...
This is the hart hat area... as stated it is a trade promotion and you need to check company policy to ensure you are eligible to participat...
From Gail at the TabletKiosk blog...nice visuals that show the docking cradle for the Sahara i440D tablet ...be sure to watch the video in t...
There could be some value with an issue we seek medical advice for....for more on this story I have to leave it to Robert Scoble who found ...
Anybody heard of Windows Server 2003 or 2008 with the ability to wipe a mobile device...security breach of the week...or what's wrong w...
The veterans are getting a little help...now how about children and seniors...BD President Bush on Monday signed into law a revised $696 ...
Budget office does not appear happy with the current reporting system...begging for data from insurance companies as relates to Medicare Ad...
It could have been worse...could have been posted on Sermo? BD A Texas doctor leaked confidential research to the makers of the popular...
The site is open for all to read, but only board certified members can create and non certified can edit....While members of the public may...
Somewhat difficult to make full sense of this report as there are many other factors in the study that were possibly not included, such as ...
Update: Penalties could get upgraded according to this article..as posted earlier in the state of Washington there are reserves of 2.2 bil...
Felt a need to mention this site relative to concerns about identity theft...another good reason these days not to use pirated software as ...
This HMO is taking the approach of letting your cell phone be your weight loss coach...now you can have your phone help you with your diet,...
Good advice here, especially if you are in Health Care, Google yourself once in a while to see what the anonymous world of the web has list...
Wireless carrier takes a stand on privacy...if you were a physician for example and wanted to keep a number private, it's almost imposs...
Health insurance is expensive...a report recently released reporting on the 3 major insurance carriers in the state of Washington recently...
January 30, 2008 Touch Bionics has announced that its i-LIMB - the world’s first commercially available bionic hand - is expected to achie...
Looking for a solution to outsource Exchange... here's one solution and the opportunity to combine Office Communicator at the same tim...
Big mistake and consequences...BD Dr. Julius Pham's stomach churned when he saw a critically ill heart patient getting an antibiotic...
Update: The continuing saga of saving Brady hospital...big job to turn the hospital around and establish relief for financial debt which i...
Current economics on small businesses and health insurance...and they also see the US economy taking forefront to the war...BD Healthcar...
You may hear a bit on this blog about Web 2.0 and software as a service, here's one electronic medical records company taking the produc...
Psychiatrist explains how this type of therapy is useful and dispels some old rumors and interpretations...BD I have been taking care of...
These folks found a federal grant to help with record integration and information exchange which involves 33 hospitals and large number of...
Not something all of us will have to deal with, but what about those that do and it could happen to any of us with an accident as an example...
Is this part of driving down lower prices? Just like doctors offices they need 25 to 30 patients a day to pass the break even zone...other...
HIMSS Analytics announced that it has more than doubled the benchmarking reports made available to healthcare providers . The new reports in...
Tetracycline was one of the antibiotics of choice years ago and now studies are linking some of the potential downsides that have developed...
Coffee being studied once more...interesting thing about this study was the use of chips to collect the data...hmmmm.....guess it's ok ...
DARPA is hot on this and the results could have some benefit to those undergoing radiation therapy...BD In preliminary tests at M.D. Ande...
People with pacemakers and other devices cannot have an MRI due to potential interference, so perhaps this study and trial will create some...
This sounds a little crazy to me, why not let the doctor make this decision, besides we have folks needing MRI and other diagnostic treatmen...
Don't think this is what Congress had in mind...BD The Washington Post on Monday examined the lack of congressional action on a prop...
Perhaps this is the age that we all come to terms that we are getting older... getting old sucks and what more can one say...BD They fo...
Run by Aetna, Dr. makes some good points here...he gets alerts on patients he doesn't even know and suggests the patients should be not...
Sounds like the questions here is how did the surgeons get approved to provide procedures they were not specifically trained for at this fa...
One more hospital success story based on the use of Tablet PCs ...and they saved a bunch of money while they were at it...not to mention be...
He uses a secured server that goes through the web, as he states sometimes folks at work have access to email of others, this way it's ...
Approved by the FDA in late December 2007....doctor's discrimination required as sometimes this is not always the best method...each pa...
Batch and lot numbers available at the source story below...BD January 28, 2008 (Deerfield, IL) - Baxter Healthcare is recalling nine ...
A phone that will read content to the blind user through a single button access with braille buttons available....BD K-NFB Reading Techno...
Trials to begin this summer...one thing for sure someone with Alzheimer's would be easily identified...BD What if the secret to stop...
Some already have...not because they want to, but when the profitability goes away...is there a choice? The doctors are not the bad guys h...
Is the audit program soliciting better health care or justification for non payment to hospitals? 17 million in over payments, 14 million ...
Bluetooth...coming to a prosthetic device near you soon.....this is the same technology used in your cell phone...years ago I used to wonder...
Some doctors in the UK want to withhold medical care from those who had lead an unhealthy lifestyle...and this blogger states it may even a...
Good points here...can Medicare work for all? BD There is a somewhat illogical argument being made against expanding Medicare to include ...
More on the black market for kidneys...scary...BD NEW DELHI (Reuters) - The uncovering of an illegal kidney transplant racket in a boomi...
It already appears that the legislation for California's insurance plan is facing a dim future and many predict it will not stand a cha...
There might be another issue here as well...funds and money available to community hospitals..BD Researchers suggest that this trend could b...
Prediction for more of the same...more cuts to standard Medicare and pumping more money in to private plans from the President...years ago ...