In some areas, there are some available for free, Giant Food is running it for 3 months, and each retailer’s plan is different; however, if...
In some areas, there are some available for free, Giant Food is running it for 3 months, and each retailer’s plan is different; however, if...
This is a good observation of perhaps how medications could be confused and not administered properly if mixed up, and instructions not read...
Hilarious! I hope it doesn’t come to this, although it seems pretty close at times. BD “The money you give won't just save a life, ...
The display is capable of transmitting surgical video with no perceptible lag or interference throughout the entire operating room, which m...
Well if you can’t beat them, join in, seems to be the direction today of personal health records. On the first of December, United announc...
Best wishes to all and thanks once again for tuning in to the Medical Quack this year!
First thought here, is Viagra in trouble? There are more implanted devices appearing on the market and a chip for sex? What next? Accord...
Thanks once again to everyone who tunes in here. Will be spotty posting the next week as I am trying to work in a little holiday vacation...
What happens when you don’t answer your tweets on Twitter, well you end up with your video over here. Actually this is a good video from Wo...
The device is still under clinical trials at present and does require surgery that takes 2-3 hours. Perhaps soon we may have a choice on ho...
A cell phone with a camera right off the shelf was able to do this. Looks pretty simple from the picture and amazing work from UCLA. BD ...
You could possibly be getting more than you bargained for with some of the products according to the FDA. They recommend to quit taking th...
I just wanted to take this post and republish here as the writer was kind enough to reference one of my posts from a coupe months back. The...
One success story of how the Medical Home is working for one primary practice doctor. This is a pilot study to see how it could work by re...
This is an interesting view on how employees viewed their CEOs from the poll. Amgen shown on the “Naughty List” while Genentech faired at ...
In a related story today an article discusses their new portal that has plans to be incorporated with QuikenHealth in 2009 and will become ...
This doesn’t look bad either, and has a unisex design. So at the end of the day, one more device to connect via USB to your computer! This...
Genomics experts and other science individuals are finding their way into the new administration, sounds promising! BD NEW YORK (GenomeW...
Maryland Hospitals appear to be pretty aggressive, and below from a prior post, some hospitals put debt up for auction. BD Hospitals Put ...
This is a very good point, getting all the data organized into a fashion where it can be used and analyzed. Back a few months ago when I in...
Briefly, the test determines if the PTEN gene is functioning properly, as it is a tumor suppressor gene that is linked with cell regulati...
Well sure everyone is hurting, but don’t forget the big reserves (money that is not for operating, etc. just sits there for just in case ...
Diabetes research projects may go on hold. This is sad that the Foundation is having to close and that renovation projects may be delayed o...
Genentech is a large biotech pharmaceutical company in San Francisco and the the largest company to subscribe to the web based “cloud” prod...
This is a special post and all of us will probably remember the horrible incident from years back at Chernobyl. We are all facing some eco...