Something worth a try and looking at...for $19.95 a pair it's definitely worth a try...and they even include the shipping charges...with...
Something worth a try and looking at...for $19.95 a pair it's definitely worth a try...and they even include the shipping charges...with...
The issue goes back to hearing aides shipped in 2005 and 2006...failure to notify of potential risks appears to be the case...BD The U.S...
59%...up ten percent from the year 2002..more feel the for profit fragmented system obstructs more than it promotes good health care...and ...
This was just too funny not to post...in Japan of course...BD The Japanese are simply hyping Vista SP1 release . I was just surprised to...
This is something I have been wanting to write about for a while and today's the day to finally express a couple of my own opinions abou...
Good video explaining the role of today's hospitalist....and the study states this business is fragmented to a degree, just like the re...
Look for this to be out as soon as this summer. With the recent post about how easy it is for a hacker to collect your RFID information fr...
Does the State get to ignore or bypass the law....California Medical Association doesn't think this is the case....potential lawsuit in...
Will Abbott Labs be successful with a combination drug? BD What’s bad for Merck and Schering-Plough may be good for Abbott Laboratories...
Not all folks around the world are supportive of new biometric capabilities...German passports require a biometric chip to identify an indi...
Every year, March 30th is National Doctor's Day...yes they do have a day of their own! Say thanks to your physician today for his cont...
12.8 percent increase....how will the employers continue to afford the increases and provide benefits down the road...might see more of this...
There are folks walking around with bladders that have been created through this process and it is no longer science fiction....how long be...
With a plan such as RelayHealth, that has the potential to integrate with Electronic Medical Records and facilitate e-prescribing , a data ...
Gastric banding...have reported on this in the past...is it safer overall than a complete gastric bypass surgery....the pharmaceutical busi...
Hope on the horizon with more genetic information available...BD A team of Canadian and French researchers has identified a novel gene re...
Some are not re-enrolling in the Massachusetts health plan...are they criminals? How do you get blood from a turnip? BD "So far, ...
After the patient passed away, the defibrillator just kept on going...a magnet was needed to disarm the device...the gift that keeps on giv...
Physician wishing there were better alternatives to treat adult sickle cell disease...BD "I challenge you to find any one of my pati...
A blog from a 25 year old debtor who makes way too much money to be in this much debt...asks the question of whether or not he will ever be...
Now we have a new source of stress.... could apply to us in the US as well...BD Over half of Britons feel anxious when they lose their ...
Web page has a listing of the products affected...BD The FDA said the recall involves Total Body Formula in tropical orange and peach ...
What do Schering and Spitzer have in common? Both had high-priced whores who turned on them in the end. Almost every single key opinion le...
He makes a good point...will the employees still be there to reap any benefits or will they have moved on to another company? BD Accordi...
We all know how strong the representation is with the California Nurses Association...appears Texas is working toward the same...BD In a...
These 2 groups state there is not substantial data that links suicide with the use of Singulair...BD Leadership from the American Academy...
In one instance, one scan can be done instead of 2 separate procedures...software available for purchase for both...BD Toshiba America Me...
Good questions arise...if the eggs have genetic diseases...something that we can now track that was unavailable before...new procedures nee...
This is one of my absolute pet peeves to discuss...there are tons of articles about getting physicians to buy in to new technology and YES w...
Cute Video...what if some of the roles were reversed? BD http://youtube.com/watch?v=Bqk4CEYdxgA&feature=related
A couple weeks ago I posted some pictures and now here's the video showing Microsoft's concept of future healthcare....from the MIX0...
Disgusting...but the police department bought him a new unit and they got his medical records too....BD There's depressing gaming s...
But they would only have enough staff to care for 77 patients...BD LOS ANGELES—County officials are negotiating with a small hospital to...
Each week I am trying to focus and bring attention to the resources on this page in the right hand column . Another resource listed on this...
As the article states, it is more of an understanding now instead of hit and miss diagnosis based on genetics....both better diagnostic and...
Companies like Genentech are already working in this direction, especially with genetic research related to cancer...will the big blockbust...
One woman's story on sinus surgery...how a new procedure has changed much of the methodology...painless....compared to routine sinus pr...
New software to allow the legal profession to review and share medical records relative to a trial or court appearance...software as as a s...
Israel is also a world leader in many types of technology and medical technology is no different...thus far though there are not many websi...
In southern California Hoag Hospital in Orange county was rated the highest and Kaiser at the other end of the spectrum....2500 hospitals ...
Finally decided to have a civil service exam for the 6 candidates...basically a charity position that nobody seems to want...BD Southern...
Find your local hospital in the data base... Site is located here ..." This tool provides you with information on how well the hospit...
Will be interesting to follow this story and see where it goes...BD Gov. David Paterson announced Friday $105 million in grants to help ...
Not good press for Pfizer...more work for the forensics it sounds like with checking some audit trails and other data areas if he signed on...
Sure I think so, we become a product of the environment and the company we keep...there's still much about our emotional make up that w...
He's right, there's no "take 2" in healthcare ...and wants to go to court...the article states the hospital is considerin...
The "Michael Jackson" disease...more information on the unusual skin disease...perhaps some new genetics studies will shed more l...
This could stand to represent a real change to the blogging world if it takes off...complete with the capability to create an instant video...
Questions over the medicinal values of rattlesnakes... but not in this case...rattlesnake in a bottle of vodka is not seen with any medicin...
Breathing mannequins with heart tones, palpable pulses, etc. with software that tests decision making skills for medical students...cost of...
Debit card from Social Security...article discusses the pros and cons...Social Security recipients participating in the Direct Express prog...
Great interview ...I didn't even know this existed until last evening;....transparency...accountability....interview from Holland...ve...
Hey these guys can really sing! The Laryngospasms.....BD http://youtube.com/watch?v=WOrjcLJ2IE0 and one more...... Breathe... http...
New presentation relating directly to health care ...bring everything under one roof...works well with Office as it was designed that way....