New service via the web that charges a quarter for each individual check, need to sign up and establish an account before using. Almost the...
New service via the web that charges a quarter for each individual check, need to sign up and establish an account before using. Almost the...
First Slate Tablet PC with Dual Pen and Touch Screen Input Now Widely Available TabletKiosk™, a leader in mobile computing solutions, ...
Despite concerns over cardiovascular side effects, a U.S. Food and Drug Administration panel last Tuesday recommended the osteoporosis d...
Also operates well on a touch screen tablet pc ...see below...BD Blood donation just got easier with advent of the Internet Quality Donor ...
This is why they send out privacy notices in very small print that nobody has a tendency to read so they are within their legal boundaries w...
Although use of electronic medical-record systems in ambulatory care remains low, in acute care, where most CMIOs work, their institutio...
A good web presence for MDs is a good thing....BD It's surprising to me how many physicians do not yet have any presence on the Web, e...
One person's story about utilization management....BD I am a registered nurse. Although I have spent most of my 25-year career caring ...
This morning, GlaxoSmithKline defended its controversial diabetes drug, Avandia, in front of a panel of federal advisers convened to de...
Humana Inc. reported Monday that its second-quarter profit more than doubled from a year ago on the strength of improved cost controls ...
Republicans are calling the Democrats' action a step toward socialized medicine, and the Bush administration has vowed to veto both ...
July 27, 2007 Prosthetics is a fascinating field – science’s ability to mimic the complicated natural function of lost limbs can make a t...
Will be interesting to see if the bill makes it through the legislature. BD Hospital patients undergoing treatment in California might ev...
By comparison, Kaiser got off lightly as this was over 3 times the amount of the fine...and ordered 12% interest on the unpaid claims...BD ...
Additional story details on the post made last week with the announcement of the class action lawsuit. BD ST. PETERSBURG - Like many olde...
One person's thoughts and a bit of history on healthcare change through insurers, employers and hospitals...all who can be considered ba...
Outpatient surgery helps some MDs with additional income and avoids the administrative hospital costs...BD When someone has minor outpatie...
United Healthcare is going ahead with plans to release its physician rankings for the New York area, despite a threat of legal action fr...
The corps offers each physician: Up to $110,000 in loan repayment or income guarantees. As much as $40,000 for a sign-on bonus or medi...
Private health plans' push for pay-for-performance and Medicare's first steps in that direction have garnered much attention. Bu...
Can this accomplish 2 things at once, cost and better health care? What about privacy issues...more data mining to be used elsewhere? Thus...
2 Hospital organizations working with "medical tourism" in Texas...both have searches for locating hospitals in both the US and Me...
Last week in California, not as well...BD Kaiser Permanente is a nonprofit insurance agency that celebrates its 10th anniversary in Colora...
PepsiCo has announced that it’s getting ready to launch two water-based health beverages and to re-launch of its SoBe LifeWater. The mov...
Contract negotiated, employees and union don't appear to be satisfied as a law suit is filed. BD Caterpillar Inc. filed lawsuits Wed...
Good tips in this article on various types of benefits offered by employers...it is getting a bit more complicated these days with so many c...
SACRAMENTO – A $2 billion fund created to keep money flowing to Medi-Cal providers when a legislative deadlock delays a new state budget...
NEW YORK The New York Press Photographers Association is asking members of the media to come forward if they are suffering from long-te...
WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- Cardinal Health Inc. (CAH), a drug distribution company, will pay $35 million to settle Securities and Exchange ...
One word in this story bothers me...."somewhat"...being somewhat concerned with privacy issues to me is just not good enough. BD ...
Having a long battle to pay the bills...one more story, but the surgery did save his life. BD His doctors thought he was among the lucky ...
(July 28, 2007) — Rochester has been selected as one of 12 cities to be part of By the People, a national conversation about health care...
Interesting story and it amazes me as well when I still see a 2 inch thick file with either staff or the the physician taking an enormous am...
Looking at what has occurred as a result in other states fuels the fire and concern. BD potential merger between two major health insuran...
We have seen this done in the movie "Sicko" but others are doing the same or similar with newspaper press coverage in areas where ...
Good insight here on how physicians are paid...and how they are under the magnifying glass with every procedure they recommend from both an ...
Good insight here on medical records and their benefits. The horses on the ranch have health records too, although they are not in the same...
Today consumers are increasingly comfortable with their home computers. National surveys show that patients embrace the idea of e-mailin...
Making a different point, Fred Horowitz, of Rockville Centre, a retired computer systems analyst, directs his criticism at Express Scrip...
If you are one of the millions of people on this planet who suffers from itching you may be pleased to read that scientists at Washingto...
Just as the clarity of high definition television has transformed the entertainment world, Siemens Medical Solutions is redefining the qu...
Scary thought here...employers fail to pay health insurance premiums and employees had no idea they had been cut off and thought their group...
One of the biggest expenses to the bottom line for an employer is employee benefits. And employees consistently rank health insurance cov...
This has always been part of the case, but now finally getting some recognition, as who wants to go to a physician who will not listen to yo...
Yikes....no wonder it is difficult for physicians to ensure and encourage patients to be sure to fill their prescriptions and take their med...
Nice with the USB portable version as this would allow a handicapped individual to be mobile as well and take the software with them for use...
More mobility in action... great stories on those capitalizing on mobility...as we all know in today's mobile world, things do not alway...
Affleck says that the procedure he is teaching to other surgeons is more effective. It involves making two small incisions under each ar...
If you don't take your medications or follow your doctor's advice, they are at risk of being rated in a negative fashion, in other w...
An FDA advisory panel on Tuesday voted in favor of recommending that Eli Lilly 's bone-strengthening drug raloxifene, sold under th...
Hospital stays for a type of antibiotic-resistant infection have more than tripled since 2000, and since 1995 have increased nearly 10-f...
DePuy Spine, Inc., a Johnson & Johnson company, announced that CIGNA, one of the nation's largest health insurers, will now cove...
Good article about a business executive who got tired of lugging around paper and made the move to paperless! He makes many good points her...
This is great, the tablet right in the ambulance to enter information and send to the receiving hospital before arrival. This year in parti...
Louisiana taking electronic medical records seriously...BD In the future, the rows and rows of manila folders tabbed by color-coded number...
Great use of a Tablet PC, patients use the device to check themselves in...if you can write on a piece of paper, you can easily use a tablet...
Hope this is a move for the better and does not create the scenario of having to locate a new primary MD for the seniors...BD The transfer...
More potential joy on it's way to your inbox...good article to read and be aware of the latest scam. BD WASHINGTON - The federal agen...
Question...why was it approved if it is dangerous to diabetics? What is the future here? Hopefully more education on potential side effect...
This is not really medically related, but I included this as it somewhat reminds me of some of the folks I run in to with tablet pcs and the...
Quite a story...and she didn't have scabies after all...big lawsuit for a potential case of scabies...BD An employee of Fox 21/27 who ...
What do we not simulate today? Good story....BD A new generation of complex, electronic birth simulators are allowing medical students to...
Stay tuned for more to follow next week....benchmarks on the page are impressive...BD TabletKiosk recently introduced their newest Sahara...
The New York Times on Monday examined how "fewer young doctors want to work in many of the distressed cities and towns throughout N...
Both do a pretty good job, but who will profit the biggest? Detailed health knowledge is no longer the sole possession of the medical eli...
The University of California has agreed to pay $7.5 million to settle 35 claims filed on behalf of patients who waited in vain for liver...
Should we start with the VA? WASHINGTON – Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt. ) and Edward Kennedy (D-Mass. ) introduced a bill last week to pro...
Overall, the report found that the HMO "lacked the ability to verify consistent handling of complaints throughout its medical center...