Is the web we love been turned against us is the question raised from this video. Some of those themselves who created the web are soul se...
Is the web we love been turned against us is the question raised from this video. Some of those themselves who created the web are soul se...
He calls it right again, Jon Stewart nails it and boy are we going to miss him. Congress like he said is just dropping all over themselves ...
We knew someday this would be coming and I would say obviously the tests are limited to those which a consumer can understand and are part o...
If you haven’t seen this way of outsourcing hospital revenue cycling and employees, here’s the latest from the Optum 360 group. It’s a comp...
This is a great video and if you read at the Medical Quack, news rigging has been a somewhat frequent content. To a degree, everyone is rea...
No word on how long before “rebranding” may take place with the name yet. Optum has already been in this business to a small degree in Tex...
This is exciting stuff as scientists have now been able to create DNA strands that can mimic diseases and the clinical trials involved injec...
This is some good soap opera material here. When this all hit, I wrote that “they lied about their code” and that turned out to be the case...
This a long documentary, 90 minutes but well worth watching. Below the line you can read what the film is all about. Actually you get to s...
Ok, so now if you wait 2 days to pick up your prescription, your doctor is going to know. If you don’t pick it up at all, your doctor will ...