Do you have your insurance..Jon says…again it’s the same old same old…digital illiteracy…folks your jobs are changing with the need for “som...
Movie “HER”– Good Example On How Folks Can’t Separate And/Or Unite The Virtual With The Real World, Billionaires Are Made Out of Those Who Know How to Keep These Areas “Gray” With Creating and Maintaining The Addictive Code That Does It…
Of course the movie is an exaggeration and is for entertainment but when you look at how this man is existing it’s not far off from what we ...
Sanofi Sues Eli Lilly Over Drug Insulin Drug Patents –Is It A Tactic To Stall Generic Version?
You kind of have to ask that question as the lawsuit gives 30 months to keep a new generic produ ct off the market, which occurs by just fil...
When Doctors Give Patients Money, Hospitals Pay Patient Insurance Premiums, Humans Helping Other Humans As The Attacks of the Killer Algorithms Grow Stronger Everyday While Gov Can’t or Won’t Model Or Wake Up For That Matter…
I don’t have a clue as to when buzzer’s going to go off but all the money the Health IT folks are counting on for income from Hospitals is g...
Lie Witness News–State Of The Union Address From Jimmy Kimmel Conducted “Before” The Telecast, “We Can Take A Lot Of Social Network Survey Data Content Value And Shove It” After This Great Display of Quantitated BS…
This is so funny…this was done yesterday before the broadcast…how much faith do you have in surveys? You can can a lot of what rolls out o...
WellPoint Fourth Quarter Profit Drops 68 Percent, Not All Insurance Exchange Related, Company States Policy Pricing Models For Exchanges Are Correct As The Algorithms All Come Out To Play And Run Financial Code…
Part of the report included a sell off of the eye glass business which was completed recently. During the fourth quarter there was higher u...
Former AllScripts Corporate Auditor Charged With Insider Trading, Attempting To Profit From Poor Financial Results..
One more in the Allscripts file as the company has had their issues. I wonder if this guy had any part in the reporting to shareholders wh...
Office of Inspector General Tells Post Office They Should Consider Offering Banking and Financial Products–Bring It On As New Affiliations With Credit Unions And Other Financial Entities Could Be On the Table For Discussion
We talk in healthcare about “rural” areas a lot and their access to healthcare, well this could also stand to help provide access to folks i...
CCHIT Announces They Will No Longer Offer ONC Testing and Certification Services, New Focus Will Offer Direct Counsel Services and Work With HIMSS For Software and Policy Guidance
CCHIT was the first company that provided certification services to electronic medical records vendors and I might guess due to that fact th...
Repeal and Replace Obamacare? Not Hardly From a Technological Standpoint As It Needs a Model-Nobody Wants to Swap Out Old Glitches For New Glitches: Modeling, Virtual Software Worlds and More Importantly Complex IT Infrastructure Reality, Get Hip…
Ok so had everyone had enough of Healthcare.Gov and glitches? You want some new glitches to add on? I’m talking flat out reality here with...
Aetna Completes $200 Million Dollar Cayman Island Re-Insurance Multi Year Protection Bond Deal
Aetna has had other re-insurance agreements with the same organization over the last few years. It’s kind of an interesting re-insurance pr...
Hospitals Feeling The ACA Crunch In California As Financially Strapped Daughters of Charity Health System Put Six Hospitals Up For Sale
It is strange when you look at how medical money got re-distributed as well as on Wall Street. Different hospital systems had different mod...
Spike In Flu Creating Shortage With IV Saline Solutions In Hospitals Across the US
There are 3 manufacturers in the US and they are beefing up production and the FDA is looking for alternatives overseas if needed. Saline s...
Emotion Labeling Software to Assist Autistic Patients Turns Into Facial Expression Algorithmic Program Wanted by Marketers to Make Money, Face Coding The Next Invasion Of Your Privacy As Marketers Have No Limits On How They Want To Obtain Anything Measurable for Quantitated Engagement Stats…
This article discussed a few different software companies jumping in here but the first one Affdex was no developed to be one of those and f...
Not Only Is It Time to Hold Banks and Corporations Accountable, But Rather Hold Their CEOs, Math Model Creations and Proprietary Computer Code Accountable As Well…
This week you didn’t have to look much further than J P Morgan to see what holding banks accountable does, well Jamie Dimon, CEO of J P Morg...