I had the opportunity to chat with Dr. Erika Schwartz recently about Bio Identical Hormone Therapy last year and today here on Fox she’s ag...
I had the opportunity to chat with Dr. Erika Schwartz recently about Bio Identical Hormone Therapy last year and today here on Fox she’s ag...
This is certainly good news as the MRSA battle is something hospitals and us in the wild are dealing with more frequently today. Doctors an...
This is interesting as the article states that in 4years they plan to have the first room set up and operational in Europe so it makes you w...
No doubt cell phones bring communications to those who live in poverty and in time hopefully will begin to improve the quality of life we ho...
Wake Forest University School of Medicine is where they grow body parts. Both 60 Minutes and Dr. Oz have paid a few visits to the facility ...
I enjoyed watching the show and the under currents and statements they made were loud and clear. I focus on this from a healthcare point of...
W are back again to the concern of the raw material – pig intestines – from China with a substance added to stretch heparin and this article...
Merck KGaA is a separate independent company from New Jersey Based Merck, so again watch and look for subsidiary actions here as ownership ...
This is great, good graphics work here too. Love the lyrics from Weird Al Yankovic…I can be my own best friend…another one of me is always ...
Belatacept is an important new drug to help in the rejection process with organ transplants. The drug is actually made in New York but pac...
In December of 2008 this longstanding hospital in Orange County lost their Medicare status and this is good to see the improvements and come...
The Governor speaks in a humorous but nice way on all the donations Eli and Edythe Broad have made and how he’s following them around as the...
Here’s definitely an area for budget cuts where nobody will complain or get hurt. The reality here though is the fact that IT infrastructu...
Well my campaign for 2D bar coding is still alive and well but the FDA and the drug and device companies still seem pretty deaf. The drug i...
These are funny and the Happy Hospitalist has few more over there and we are all being entertained today with the Xtranormal video series, ...
When you first think of this you almost have to maybe chuckle a bit but the drug is real and used to treat a disorder to where those with ne...
If you have not heard about the new technology coming out for Xbox 360 it is Kinect and we are looking at the same with computers and accord...