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Irvine will be the home of a Providence St. Joseph system office once everything gets integrated.  The overall corporate office will remain in Washington.  This process began back in November of 2015 so the approval has now just been given for the merger to go forward.  The new company names combined both former company names. 

This merger now creates the nation’s third-largest nonprofit health system.  There are five in Orange imagecounty and six in Los Angeles county to come under the umbrella.  St. Josephs has a total of 16 hospitals and Providence has 34.  The hospitals in Orange County are St. Joseph in Orange, Mission in Mission Viejo and Laguna Beach, St. Jude Medical Center in Fullerton, and Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach and Irvine.  Hoag for many years has been Presbyterian affiliated and still is so this makes it interesting again as the facility is rolled up into Catholic healthcare ownership once again.  In case you missed it, Hoag already had their affiliation with St. Josephs a while back. 

St. Josephs and Hoag Hospital In the OC Form New Healthcare Network Combining Hospitals

Also don’t forget you have St. Joseph rolling out this program with home healthcare too…so in time will we recognize some of the organizations caring for us?  It’s just an interesting question to ponder. 

St. Joseph Healthcare in Southern California Becoming a “Nurse Next Door” Franchisee-Acquiring 26 Locations With Option for Another 12–Their Current Private Home Care Business To Be Transitioned To This Model

As far as contracts, this may open things up again for physicians and insurers to do their thing so keep an open eye for such changes and rules that could be subject to change again.  In April, many patients received a check for $242.00 data breach that went back to issues with St. Jude and their medical records program at the time.  BD

California Attorney General Kamala Harris has conditionally consented to Irvine-based St. Joseph Health’s proposed affiliation with Providence Health and Services.

St. Joseph will form a nonprofit corporation with Renton, Wash.-based Providence that’s referredimage to in filings with Harris’ office as Providence St. Joseph Health. The new entity would be based in Renton and keep a regional office in Irvine.

It would oversee a health system with 43 hospitals and 13,544 licensed beds ranging from Washington state down to southern Orange County and east into Texas. Local facilities include St. Joseph Hospital-Orange; St. Jude Medical Center in Fullerton; and Mission Hospital, which has campuses in Mission Viejo and Laguna Beach.


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